Page 185 - EL Grade 5 ALL Block Teacher Guide
P. 185

Grade 5: Module 1: Unit 3
Day 3
Sample  udent responses:
1. “Aguántate tantito y la fruta caerá en tu mano.” (Translation: Wait a little
while and the fruit will fall into your hand.) pp. 222–223
Literal Meaning:
Figurative Meaning:
If you wait, fruit will fall into your hand.
If you have patience, you will get what you want.
2. “But it does no good. Look at yourself. Are you  anding on the other side of the river? No! You are  ill a peasant!” p. 224
Literal Meaning:
Figurative Meaning:
Is Miguel actually  anding on the other side of the river?
Is Miguel in a better situation than he was before? Is he no longer a peasant?
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