Page 90 - EL Grade 5 ALL Block Teacher Guide
P. 90

Additional Language and Literacy Block
Module Lesson and ALL Block Week and Day
Teacher-Guided Component
Independent Work Component
Independent Work Component
Lesson 4
ALL Block: Week 1, Day 3
Reading and Speaking Fluency/GUM
Overview: With teacher guidance, all students are introduced to  uency texts and practice reading aloud, including in funny voices.
Learning Target: I can read a text aloud  uently and accurately, and use the context to self-correct when I make mistakes. (RF.5.4c)
With teacher guidance, ELLs are introduced to a  uency excerpt from the module lessons and practice reading aloud, including in funny voices.They participate in
a Language Dive to better understand the meaning of the excerpt.
See the Unit 2, Week 1, Day 1: Reading and Speaking Fluency/GUM: Teacher Guide for instruction that has been differentiated for ELLs.
Printed Materials:
• Unit 2, Week 1, Day 3: Reading and Speaking Fluency/GUM: Teacher Guide
Independent Work
Overview: Students work in pairs practicing reading aloud  uently and accurately.
Learning Target: I can read a text aloud  uently and accurately, and use the context to self-correct when I make mistakes. (RF.5.4c)
ELLs complete the same activities as other students.
Printed Materials:
Independent Reading
Overview: All students follow a task card to read for 5 minutes and then choose and respond to a prompt in their independent reading journals.
Learning Target: I can read my research reading text independently for 5 minutes. (RI.5.10)
ELLs complete the same activities as other students.
Printed Materials:
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Unit 2: Overview

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