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P. 12

Evaluating the Quality of Food and Beverage Services in the Social Clubs of Mansoura City

6   The administration provides material       4.2 0.7
    and moral incentives for workers.

7   The quality is considered the main         4.6 0.5
    concern for all employees.

    The administration is keen to develop

8 the capabilities and expertise of workers 4.2 0.7

    in the food and beverage field.

9   The manager clings by his personal         2.1  1.2
    opinions and imposes those on workers.

    The administration occasionally cares

    about job training courses to train

10 employees on personal hygiene and how 4.0 0.9

    to deal with the client and prepare the


    The administration is limited to

11  employees within the establishment and,    3.6  1.4
    don't polarize other employees from the

    other .

    The Administration transmit the spirit of

12 cooperation and the one team among          4.5 0.7


    The Administration transmitted the spirit

13  of competition among employees by          3.8  0.9
    promoting the most efficient employees

    to a higher position.

14  The Administration constantly evaluates    3.8  0.8
    the performance of employees.

    Results in table (2) showed that the administration

concerns the quality-issues in social clubs, providing employees

with the appropriate training for them and taking care of

customer opinions and keen to solve their problems quickly,

Also , results indicated the existence of a process of polarization

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