Page 33 - Ultimate Guide to Estate Planning Third Edition_Neat
P. 33

net worth or who are simply resistant to the
revocable living trust solution.

The will still allows you to be purposeful in how
you distribute your assets. Normally, when you
get to a certain level of wealth, perhaps
$300,000 per intended adult heir, you're
dealing more with the core values that you
want to perpetuate as to your intended heirs.
For example, do you want to:

     Have their inheritance in an asset
        protected environment so that creditors
        and ex-spouses don’t have access to the
        wealth you left your children;

     Help with education for your children or
        their children (do you want to associate
        required grades or degrees in order to
        receive help on education);

     Create a structure where your children
        can invest the funds in a business or
        investment real estate;

     Assist in paying for their wedding,
        reception, honeymoon or other
        significant life events;

     Help with a down payment on their first
        home or car;

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