Page 76 - Ultimate Guide to Estate Planning Third Edition_Neat
P. 76

How should I find a lawyer? What should I
watch out for?

You probably should work with me. Seriously,
you want to work with a referral, probably
through a financial advisor or accountant. You
want somebody who has worked with a lot of
estate plans, and a lot of estate planning
attorneys, so they have been exposed to a vast
number of creative methods for designing an
estate plan. Make sure that person has enough
exposure in the estate planning industry to be
able to decipher what would be best for you.
You would want to watch out for somebody
who's running just a forms-based, high volume
practice with canned distribution designs.
They take the form of high volume, live
seminars at hotels and they advertise in
newspapers (not that this is necessarily an
indication of incompetency, more a
preoccupation with profits). Those higher
volume shops are interested in putting out a lot
of product that fits their templates, but not
necessarily the ideal situation for you as the
client. That is not to say that it doesn't work.
You can use a high-volume provider and get
everything you want. It's just you have to be
careful that they're not doing something just
because it’s profitable for them.

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