Page 36 - ДЛЯ ФЛИПЕРА_Neat
P. 36
H.W. Values and Goals
Tree Project
Many students under 15 dream of being doctors, lawyers, professional
athletes, and entertainers. They will plan to earn these salaries until
altering course after high school. If you are funny, this will build
for the funniest to be heard. Have fun. Humor can be a helpful way to
deal with the seriousness of budgets and planning.
I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to reach
my destination.
You want to create the best possible tomorrow, but you don’t know
where to start.
Enlarge the tree template (or any other tree template) onto butcher paper
making it as large as you choose. Color the tree so that it looks genuine.
Download a leaf template and list your long term and short term
goals as well as values. Color the leaves and attach them to your tree.
Fruit may be added to enhance the tree.
And why we are here and what we are going to do next weeks?
Look at your life through a new lens. Look at your time from a different
angle. You may discover new ways to do things more effectively.
Presentation 1.
Why Raise. Movie ( 3min)