Page 4 - ДЛЯ ФЛИПЕРА_Neat
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Lesson Identification

                Career Cluster          Career Development

                 Course Name            Investigating Careers

               Lesson/Unit Title        The minimum wage

             Student Expectations       127.2. Knowledge and Skills.

                                                The student is expected to:

                                        - Learn about the history of wage policy in the U.S.
                                        - Understand the difference between "minimum wage" and "living wage"
                                        - Calculate what amounts to a living wage in their community
                                                 Basic Direct Teach Lesson

                                (Includes Special Education Modifications/Accommodations and
                                 one English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) Strategy)
          Economics, Civics, Life Skills, U.S. History, Business

           Instructional Objectives     Students will:
                                              Analyze the effect an increase in the minimum wage would have
                                               on businesses.
                                              Understand the difficult choices a minimum wage worker has to
                                               make in managing their household budget.
                                              Use the minimum wage as a classroom debate topic
                                        Living on Minimum Wage
                                        – Is It Possible? (Live
                                        the Wage Challenge)

              Duration of Lesson        Three 60-minute class periods

              Summative/End of          Students’ final project will be assessed with appropriate rubric. As a class,
             Lesson Assessment *        discuss the final project results.
                                        Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for all special education students must be
                                        followed. Examples of accommodations may include, but are not limited to:
                                              grading according to work done
                                              providing praise and encouragement

                                                  Recommended Strategies

              Reading Strategies        Promote the use of the pre-reading strategy prediction.
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