Page 14 - The Muse 2021
P. 14

  Gabby Memmen, Grade 8
 The Abandoned Asylum
the scent of decay fills the building piercing my nose as i venture through everything seems to be in place
as if it’s been frozen for decades
dents, scratches, tally marks coat the walls like paint bloodstains whispering
an enchanted melody
souls were accumulated one by one...
harvested by scientists to be used as puppets
a chaotic community it was
says the vandalized walls
the massive locks on the rooms
the crushed medicine sprawled across the floor
rotten food in the kitchen assures me; they were fed a room full of showers informs me; they were cleaned games on the counter tell me; they were entertained the absence of people warns me; they fled
they must have been swept away
like leaves on a breezy day
a chilling thought made its way into my head they are roaming free
-Emma Levi, Grade 7
Blue Ribbon
 Appreciate the Ones Who Try
She awakens at six in the morning. No one believed in her.
She ran many miles,
Never cracking a smile.
She had a strong body, A small stomach, Beautiful hair,
And gorgeous legs.
She was always glowing like the sun. Her eyes looked the same as the ocean, But she was never noticed.
No matter what she did,
Other stars shined brighter.
She always felt left out,
When she was the one who mattered.
-Emily Bloom, Grade 7
Blue Ribbon

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