Page 18 - The Muse 2021
P. 18

  The Beautiful Game of Soccer
There are a lot of different sports, but soccer is the best.
It is better than basketball,
And all the rest.
Soccer is my favorite sport, What else can I say?
It can be a lot of fun,
If you know how to play.
I love when our team scores, And it is fun to win!
When we defeat the opponent, I have a big grin!
We have a really good coach,
Who shows us how to play and mature. We all admire this man,
That is for sure.
-Miguel Di Mise, Grade 7
   Helena Froes Hermann, Grade 8
 2020 In America
Where is the outdoor seating section? In this restaurant?
Mister, cause I want to eat
In America where we are,
Can sit indoors Because of Covid-19.
That could be taken care of
If people just stayed indoors,
Stopped partying with their friends
And didn’t act like babies about masks
Then maybe I could eat inside at this restaurant.
-Elizabeth Sheehan, Grade 7
 Conquering Fears
Happy, when I conquered the 200-foot water slide I was extremely happy
Exuberant, although I was scared of heights, I knew that I could do it
Impatient, I was impatient watching the people in front of me drop down, I just wanted to go Glamorous, the volcano was so glamorous, but was so terrifying at the same time
Horrified, I was horrified as I approached the volcano
Tall, the Volcano Bay water slide is such a tall slide that it alarmed me
Strong, I had to be very strong because my whole life heights have been my fear
-Dante Cerrone, Grade 7

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