Page 17 - The Muse 2019-20 Issue
P. 17

   Abandoned at 9 A.M.
5 A.M. I awake from my wooden bed
Putting on my broken slippers as I begin to work 6am I am cleaning the chimneys and the dust
between the corners
Because I know if I don’t
Something terrible will come of me
Feeling enslaved and trapped
7 A.M. I prepare breakfast for my “parents” walking to their bedroom as I tremble
like an earthquake
Feeling the drops of sweat falling from my forehead Not knowing what to expect
8 A.M. I am reminded of how unwanted I am Of course, they keep me for
the thing they treasure the most Nothing in the world can be more valuable
than a check every month Of just a piece of green paper The sound of the chiming
coins in people's pockets amuse them
I am sick and tired of my “parents” treating me like slaves
And from that moment... I was gone.
9 A.M. my bags were packed Not that there is much in them
10 A.M. fliers are passed And the red and blue sirens Everywhere.
-Emma Navarro, Grade 7
Blue Ribbon
 Lost World
An abandoned world,
Left behind to crumble in the wind.
A land of fairies and daemons, Witches and warlocks,
And a lone tree creaking in the breeze.
The tree was once strong and mighty. And home to life from the smallest
whisper of wind in the branches, To the largest creatures of the forest. A guardian to the wooden castle Cradled in its steadfast arms.
The castle was old and rotten,
Forgotten and lonely, and left to gather dust. Defenses in place, and salt in the corners
warding against the supernatural.
Strings of glass hung from the rafters clink together
in a mournful melody,
And light filters in from cracks in the walls.
The sunlight reflects against the particles of dust swirling in the air,
And sets the glass strings alight.
It illuminates the darkest reaches of the castle,
And casts an orange glow on the leaves of the old tree, Bathing the world in light.
-Morgan Cable, Grade 7
Blue Ribbon
Alejandro Marin, Grade 8

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