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Shared Interest Group Announcements

                                         Bunco                                                               Club Crafters

         cards and raffles.                                                      Whatever your craft or hobby is, we would like to invite you to join
         Club members, guests and First-time players are welcome.                us.  We meet every Tuesday at 10 AM in the library.  Dig out those
         Cost: $5.00 per night.  All money collected goes for gift cards. There are  unfinished projects and come have a cup of coffee with us, and I
         gift cards for "Most Bunco's" $25, "Most Wins" $20, "Most Losses" $15  guarantee lots of good conversation and laughs.  We would like to invite
         and the new "Flying Bunco Baby" $5.  Half time Raffle Prizes.           new residents to stop by anytime and come see what we are doing and
         NOTE: If you want to be included on the Bunco notifications, contact me  perhaps entice you to join our group.
         and I will add you to our list. Also, an impromptu monthly get together   We also accept yarn and needlework items you no longer want.  If you
         will be set up to show you how to play bunco and how to keep score. Let  would like more information about our group, please contact Mary Mesa
         me know if you would like to attend. Jan Frack 408-425-8108             by email or by phone (408)731-0638.
                                                                                                             Club Trekkers
                                                                                 Every Saturday morning the Trekkers conduct a neighborhood walk
                                                                                 that’s generally 2 to 2 1/2 miles in length at a casual pace.  And there’s
                                                                                 always a group of walkers that stop at MoJoe’s Cafe for a beverage.
                                                                                  In addition, we also have a hike “on dirt” each Tuesday. With the
                                                                                 temperatures cooler and rain hopefully in the forecast again, we will be
                                                                                 flexible with specific hikes but currently we are planning:
                                                                                  Tuesday, November 5 – Empire Mine State Park in Grass Valley
                                                                                 Tuesday, November 12 – Consumes River Preserve (the Sand Hill
                                                                                 Cranes should be back)
                                                                                 Tuesday, November 19 – Nimbus Fish Hatchery (Chinook Salmon run –
                                                                                 we are on a waiting list for a guided tour but at a minimum we will be
              Most Buncos ~ Kay Kasperik, Most Wins ~ Margie Gazarian,           able to visit the hatchery)
             Most Loses ~ Genny Nuckolls, Baby Bunco ~ Tuffy Haselhorst,         Tuesday, November 26 – Since this is Thanksgiving week the hike
             Raffle Winners ~ Kari Lindner, Genny Nuckolls, and Betsy Rice       destination will be determined with input from who is able to join
                                                                                  Two days before each hike or walk we send out an email with details
                                                                                 regarding the next hike or walk to members of the Club Trekkers.
                 CRI (Conservatives, Republicans, and Independents)
                                                                                 Specific hikes may change if the weather changes, and trail safety is
                                                                                 impacted, but the dates will stay the same.
         They say the best way to a man’s heart is
         through his stomach.  Tracy from T-Bones
         certainly won the hearts of over 80 people                                            Club Quilters ~ Quilters inspiring Quilters
         at our Annual CRI BBQ on Oct. 5th.  And
         to top that off, we heard from                                          We meet the 2nd and 4th Fridays at 10:00 a.m. in The Library.   If you
         Congressman Kevin Kiley and                                             have any questions please call Carol at 361-290-3222.
         Assemblyman Joe Patterson.  They both                                                               Club Veterans
         gave us insight into their campaigns and
         updated us on what’s happening in                                       The Club Vets had a great time at the Open House. We exceeded our
         Washington DC and right here in Placer                                  goals and want to thank everyone who stopped by to help us in our
         County.  Placer County Supervisor Shanti                                mission to help Veterans in need.
         Landon and Jonathan Zachreson,                                          Thursday, November 14th at 10:00 a.m. will be our last meeting of the
         Roseville City School Board Candidate                                   year for 2024.  We have no meetings in December.  In addition, we will
         also enjoyed                                                            be opening nominations for board officers for 2025.
         speaking to                                                             As usual we have an open invitation to our community to drop by and
         everyone                                                                see what we are about. You do not have to be a Veteran to join us.  Come
         there.  We are                                                          by get acquainted and get a donut, compliments of Raley's, and a cup of
         very lucky to                                                           joe for being at the meetings.
         have Electeds
         and Candidates                                                                                         Cornhole
         who take the time
         to come out and                                                         Cornhole (also known, regionally, as sack toss, or bags) is a lawn game
         speak to us.                                                            in which players or teams take turns throwing fabric bean bags at a
                                                                                 raised, angled board with a hole in its far end. The goal of the game is to
                                                                                 score points by either landing a bag on the board (one point) or putting a
                                                                                 bag through the hole (three points).

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