Page 30 - OCHA_PHL_Provincial_Profiles_2018
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Philippines: Marinduque Provincial Profile
             Known as the smallest province in the Southern Tagalog region, Marinduque has the shape of a human heart floating on a clear blue sea. The heart-shaped island of Marinduque
             rests on the Sibuyan Sea and is located south of Manila between the Bondoc Peninsula at the southeastern portion of Luzon and Mindoro Island. It is bounded on the north-northeast
             by Quezon, south by the island of Romblon, west-southwest by Oriental Mindoro, and west by Batangas. The island province has an aggregate land area of 95,920 hectares,
             including four major islets and eight minor ones. The island province is characterized by undulating hills, picturesque
             valleys, sheer seaside cliffs, interspersed with patches of flatland on different parts of the island. The soil is fertile but
             marked in certain spots by large stony areas, making wide continuous farming difficult. Deposits of iron, copper, and   0  6  218
             lead are found and mined in the province. (Source:
             ?siteID=20)                                                              CITY   MUNICIPALITIES  BARANGAYS
        San Andres Is.                                                                                 Source: PSA 2015 & 2010 Census / DSWD
                      Hakupan Is.
     Tayabas Bay      Banot Is.              Maniwaya Is.
                                                                                                   0.7%     99.3%
                MOGPOG                                Mompong Is.
                                                                234,521              households        Urban / Rural
                                             Sta. Cruz Is.                           54,508
                               SANTA CRUZ
                                                                     49.7%                          50.3 %
                                                  Salomague Is.       female                               male
                                                                     (116.5K)                          (117.9K)
                   BOAC                                                                  11%
                                                                             14.1K     > 60 years  10.8K
                                                               54.3K                  19-59 years               55.0K
               GASAN                                                        14.9K     13-18 years  16.6K
                                                                        26.3K          3-12 years      28.0K
           Gaspar Is.                                                                    6%
                                               Sibuyan Sea
                                                                                6.7K   < 2 years  7.3K
          Melchor Is.
       Baltazar Is.
                                                               Vulnerable groups (based on DSWD-NHTS database)
                                               Conditional Cash Transfer
                                               Programming Beneficiaries
       Airport                                      11,514     Female   2         46       460       1,079    1,227
       Province capital                             households   Male   19       206       613       466       946
                                                                                                    solo parent
       Poverty incidence (%)  </= 10  11 - 30  31 - 50  51 - 60  61 - 84  child-headed  single-headed  poor individuals  =>18 years old  poor individuals
                                                                                                            =>65 years old
                                                                                          w/ disability
       WATER, SANITATION AND HYGEINE            Source: PSA 2015/2010 Census  SHELTER                        Source: PSA 2015 Census
    Water                                                      Roof/Wall material
                                                                      54,341                    Roof
                                                                    Housing units
        Faucet                                                                        Strong       Light      Salvaged
       community   Tubed;   Dug            Natural
        system   piped    well     Bottled  sources  Others
       35.7%    22.5%    3.6%    30.6%     7.3%   0.3%                         Strong  64.4%       0.7%       0.0%
    Toilets (based on census 2010)
                                                                                Light  22.1%      12.0%       0.1%

              78.5%       16.4%            3.4%       1.7%
                                                                               Salvaged  0.2%      0.1%       0.1%
      Water-sealed    None         Closed pit     Open pit

       EDUCATION            Source: DepEd 2016  NUTRITION             Source: FNRI 2013/2015  HEALTH  Source: DOH (Personnel 2016/Facilities 2017)
                                            Malnutrition  (0-60 months old)        Personnel
                     Primary schools
          21,184         19,015
          Male primary   Female primary      35.8%        34.4%        13.8%*        68       61       45        24
          school students  school students
                                              Stunting   Underweight   Wasting      Midwives  Nurses  Doctors  Dentists
                                              * Estimates with coefficient of variation greater than 20
                      46                    Food
                      Secondary schools
             8,888       8,747              (households)  23.5%  39.5% 16.1%
             Male secondary   Female secondary                                         69          8          3
             school students  school students          Mild    Moderate  Severe
                                                                                   Barangay health  Rural health  Hospitals
                                                                                      stations    units  (government/private)
   The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.                                    Creation date: February 2018
   Sources: PSA, DOH, NAMRIA, FNRI, DepEd, DSWD        Feedback:,,
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