Page 149 - SuDS Design & Evaluation Guide-Newham V4 Spreads
P. 149

Sheffield Grey to Green : an excellent council-        Acronyms used in this guide :
      led SuDS project with SuDS advice from
      McCloy Consulting and Robert Bray Associates.          AEP        Annual Event Probability

                                                             AONB       Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
                                                             ASA        Association of SuDS Authorities
                                                             BGS        British Geological Survey

                                                             BRE        Building Research Establishment
                                                             CCA        Climate Change Allowance

                                                             CDM        Construction (Design & Management)
                                                             CIRIA      Construction Industry Research and
                                                                        Information Association

                                                             Cv         Coefficient of volumetric runoff
                                                             DEFRA      Department for Environment Food &
                                                                        Rural Affairs
                                                             EA         Environment Agency

                                                             FEH        Flood Estimation Handbook
                                                             GWSPZ      Groundwater Source Protection Zone

                                                             IoH        Institute of Hydrology
                                                             LLFA       Lead Local Flood Authority
 143                                                         LPA        Local Planning Authority                   144

                                                             NPPF       National Planning Policy Framework
                                                             NSTS       Non-Statutory Technical Standards

                                                             PPG        Planning Practice Guidance
                                                             RefH2      The Revitalised Flood Hydrograph

                                                             SAC        Special Area of Conservation
                                                             SFRA       Strategic Flood Risk Assessment

                                                             SSSI       Site of Special Scientific Interest
                                                             SuDS       Sustainable Drainage Systems
                                                             SWMP       Surface Water Management Plan

                                                             WaSC       Water and Sewerage Company
                                                             WFD        Water Framework Directive

 Newham Council SuDS D & E Guide                                                           © 2020 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates  Newham Council SuDS D & E Guide                                                           © 2020 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates
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