Page 65 - SuDS Design & Evaluation Guide-Newham V4 Spreads
P. 65

Outline Design  8.3.1  Information to support Outline Design  8.4  Design criteria considerations    ■  storage locations and approximate   Outline Design

 Limited information may be available at
 Concept Design Stage and must be
      The designer should confirm
 augmented to provide a full understanding of
 the site at Outline Design.
          whether infiltration is appropriate for the
 The following information should be collated
          site or whether rainfall will be managed as
                                                                volumes to appropriate flow rates
 to evaluate site constraints and inform SuDS
          ■  runoff                                             ■  overflow arrangements from each storage
          whether Approach 1 or Approach 2 is
   ■  Existing services, including location and     ■  Consents affecting off-site and on-site   being used to manage volumes
 depth. These can influence layout, depth   elements of the SuDS.    ■  exceedance routing when design volumes
 and placement of SuDS features.    ■  contributing area of impermeable hard   are exceeded or flows are generated from
   ■  Confirmation of the method of discharge:   surface        outside the site
   ■  Planning conditions, for example SuDS in   infiltration or runoff to a watercourse or
 ‘conservation areas’, which may influence   sewer and impact of runoff volumes on     ■  sub-catchment design    ■  allowances for climate change and urban
 choice of SuDS components and the use   the site.    ■  flow control locations
 of materials.
 Confirmation of ownership and maintenance
   ■  Ownership and future management of   arrangements would be subject to a planning

 SuDS will influence component selection,   condition.  Quality
 typically adoption by Local Authorities
      The designer should demonstrate
 and especially Highways Departments.
 59       ■  there are sufficient SuDS surfaces to meet         ■  how spillage could be managed                   60
          interception losses requirements
 A biodiversity raingarden at Renfrew Close,                    ■  how runoff could be managed during
 Newham with cornfield annuals alongside     ■  sufficient treatment is available to manage   construction.
 meadow flora for the future.
          pollution risk along the management train


      The designer should demonstrate

         ■  the SuDS is understandable to people                ■  the visual character of the SuDS will

          using the site and maintenance personnel              enhance the development
          – legibility
                                                                ■  spaces and connecting routes are multi-
         ■  the site is generally accessible to people          functional and can be used when not
          and safe ‘by design’                                  providing a SuDS function for rainfall

 Newham Council SuDS D & E Guide                                                                        © 2020 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates  Newham Council SuDS D & E Guide                                                                        © 2020 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates
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