Page 79 - SuDS Design & Evaluation Guide-Newham V4 Spreads
P. 79

Detailed Design  9.3.4  Detailed Design Evaluation Checklist   Responsibility   Deliverable  Key design points  Key evaluation points  Responsibility   Detailed Design

                                                                                             to check
 The CIRIA SuDS Manual Table B.3 provides
 The following table provides a list of key
                        Drawings should confirm
                                                           Sensibility check to be
 considerations for design and evaluation.
 other aspects for checking which may be
                        volumes provided and refer back  performed to ensure that
       calulations &
 incorporated on a case by case basis.
                                                           sufficient storage is provided to
                        to hydraulic analysis
                        requirements.  Drawings
                                                           meet hydraulic calculations.
                        references / annotations should
 Key evaluation points
 Key design points
 to check
                        clearly relate to calculations.
 Designers should confirm how all  Confirm allowable attenuation
                        maintenance / operation by
                                                           users and operatives of the
       hazard & risk
 standards have been achieved
 rates. Confirm amenity and
                        personnel and day to day site
 for quantity, quality, amenity and  biodiversity requirements.  LPA  Designers   To consider construction,   Demonstrate safe design for   LPA & LLFA
 biodiversity.          use by public.
 Confirm   Where positive discharge is   Review the level at which water   LLFA  Long sections  Cross sections should not use   Review in general, side slopes   LPA & LLFA
 method &   made to a watercourse / sewer,   is stored relative to receiving   and cross   exaggerated vertical scales to   and depths shown.
 locations of   consider likelihood of surcharge   flood plain levels/sewer invert.   sections  allow proper understanding of
 discharge  on storage from the receiving   Infiltration – review how   how scheme will actually look
 sewer / watercourse.   Outline any SuDS specific          Ensure plants from accredited     LPA & LLFA
 groundwater table level has been   Planting
 Infiltration – outline how ground   confirmed and how ground will   design &   planting requirements.  source to minimise risk of
 will be protected from   be protected from compaction   schedule  invasive species.
 compaction during construction.  during construction. Review risk   Landscape   Integrate SuDS within the wider   Check that the SuDS network is   LPA & LLFA
 of infiltrating close to buildings.   design   landscape design  accessible, multifunctional and
 Review how infiltration on                                contributes to the overall
 brownfield sites has been   drawings                      landscape quality.
 73   assessed.                                                                                                    74
       Consents &       Vary and can include: discharge    Check that relevant consents are  LPA & LLFA &
 Hydraulic   Detailed checklist is contained   The level of analysis required   LLFA  permits  consents; offsite works & 3rd   in place or can be obtained in   EA & IDB &
 calculations  Section 9.5.10.  should reflect the risk of failure,   party access consent. The list of   principle.
 scale of development and                                                                    Thames Water
                        required consents may be initially
 complexity of drainage.
                        defined at pre-app discussion.
 Detailed   Levels are crucial – check that   Sensibilty check to be performed  LLFA
 consideration   there are no locations where low  for each subcatchment,   Maintenance  Key plan (1 side of A4) detailing   Maintenance type & cost is   LPA & LLFA
 of site and   points might compromise design.   comparing top level of storage,   the maintenance regime and   appropriate & proportionate and
                        identifying key maintenance
                                                           features are easily accessible.
 drainage   Designer to present drawing   and lowest level of contributing
 showing detailed levels across   areas.  locations such as outlets and   Design achieves passive
 design levels
 the site               flow control locations.            maintenance where possible.
 Drainage   Minimise risk of blockage by   Review of inlets, outlets, flow   LLFA  Adoption   Confirmation of commitment to   Review that sufficient safeguards  LPA, LLFA,
 details  designing protected outlets and   controls, storage, edge details,   arrangements  adopt aspects of the scheme   are in place for the long term
 flow controls  connection details to receiving   being offered for adoption.   maintenance and operation of   Thames Water
                                                                                             & Highways &
 watercourse / sewers   Confirmation of ownership and      the drainage. Consider the
                                                                                             IDB & WaSC
                        maintenance responsibilities for   potential impact of replacement
                        all parts of the SuDS scheme       of propriety products.
                        which are not being adopted.

 Newham Council SuDS D & E Guide                                                                        © 2020 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates  Newham Council SuDS D & E Guide                                                                        © 2020 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates
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