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paint and coatings manufacturing: CHEMICAL ASSESSMENT

                    Top Priority for Chemical Industry in Canada

                  BY GARY LEROUX

                  CPCA RECENTLY LAUNCHED a robust Chemical Management  risk assessment that proposed declaring two phthalates as
                  Substance Database as part of its Canada CoatingsHUB  toxic (B79P and DHEP). However, based on the information
                  resources. The database will support coatings industry  provided by CPCA members in the data gathering phase,
                  efforts to manage the large volume of data created by  several of the remaining 26 phthalates used in CASE prod-
                  Canada’s ongoing assessment of chemicals in commerce.  ucts are proposed for a non-toxic designation at current
                  Some of those issues are briefly updated below for those  levels, despite some suspected endocrine disruption and
                  companies doing business in Canada or intending to in the  cumulative effects. The final screening assessment for certain
                  future. The database contains 1,100 substances known to  Flame Retardants will be published this fall. Three of these
                  be used in the coatings, adhesives, sealants, and  substances have been proposed as toxic and two of them
                  elastomers sector (CASE) used in a wide range of SKUs.  (DP and DBDPE) will be added to a list of prohibited sub-
                  This is the coatings segment of the 4,300 substances  stances in Canada. Additional flame retardants are scheduled
                  categorized for risk assessment and risk management under  for risk assessment next year.
                  Canada’s Chemicals Management Plan (CMP) over the past  CPCA recently reminded all members of the assessment
                  decade-and-a-half. There will be more than 1,500 substances  of 134 substances in the Boric Acid, its Salts and Precursors
                  prioritized for assessment beyond 2020, after the third  Group, which were proposed for a ‘CEPA-toxic’ designation
                  phase of the CMP concludes in 2021. CPCA will add the  in Canada related to human health and the environment;
                  chemicals in the CPCA substance database by CAS number  however, the final screening assessment is still on hold.
                  for ease of access.                                The government has yet to provide a final decision and
                                                                     propose a risk management approach for Soluble Cobalt
                  ChemiCal assessment Continues                      Compounds already proposed for designation as toxic for
                  There are many chemicals still undergoing risk assessment  the environment. Further notice related to the internationally
                  and risk management in Canada. For example, leftover  classified substance AEEA is awaiting publication in Canada.
                  from Phase 2 of the CMP is the Final Risk Assessment  AEEA is used as a curing agent for epoxy resins, as a com-
                  Report (FSAR) for the Phthalate subgroup. These are being  ponent of adhesives and sealants, used in asphalt paving
                  further assessed for cumulative effects following a draft  or patching products, and as a component in super glues

                  40   Canadian Finishing & Coatings manuFaCturing                           september/oCtober 2020
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