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Through Jesus Christ's eternal light darkness Here, Jesus imparts the responsibility to us a life characterized by love, righteousness, and
     is shrouded and this light holds a profound to become bearers of the Light. It emphasizes moral clarity. In living this way, the light of God
     significance, both physically and spiritually. the  transformative  impact  of  the  virtues  of in us emanates on others that are around us
     The true light is embodied in the person of believers  and  actions  on  the  world.  By and lives are changed.
     Jesus  Christ,  who  brings  clarity,  hope, reflecting  the  love  and  compassion
     deliverance,  healing,  and  salvation  to exemplified  by  Christ,  believers  become Finally, 1 Peter 2:9 indicates, "But you are a
     humanity.                             beacons  of  hope,  drawing  others  towards chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation,
                                           God's divine light that breaks and destroys God's special possession, that you may declare
     In John 8:12 it says, "I am the light of the yokes.                         the  praises  of  him  who  called  you  out  of
     world. Whoever follows me will never walk                                   darkness into his wonderful light." Peter's words
     in darkness but will have the light of life."  Psalm 119:105 states, "Your word is a lamp reinforce  the  fact  that  believers  of  Christ  are
     Jesus declares himself as the ultimate source for  my  feet,  a  light  on  my  path."  This chosen to live in the Light of God. It reflects the
     of  illumination.  The  Light  of  Christ  guides underscores the importance of God's Word divine calling to share the message of salvation
     believers, dispelling the shadows of doubt and as a guiding light. The teachings of Jesus, as and to be witnesses to the transformative power
     providing a path to eternal life. It symbolizes found  in  the  Bible,  illuminate  the  path  of of Jesus, leading others out of spiritual darkness.
     the moral compass and divine wisdom that righteousness, offering peace, joy, direction,
     guides us through the challenges of life.  and purpose to those who seek God's wisdom.   In  conclusion,  the  Gift  of  God's  illuminating
                                                                                 light, embodied in Jesus Christ, transcends the
     Matthew 5:14-16 says, "You are the light of Ephesians  5:8  says,  "For  you  were  once physical realm from a place that is stagnated in
     the world. A town built on a hill cannot be darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. darkness  to  one  where  people  can  actually
     hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and Live as children of light." The transformation experience the unconditional love, grace, and
     put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its from darkness to light is a recurring theme mercy of God. That light serves as a beacon of
     stand, and it gives light to everyone in the in  the  Bible.  This  verse  emphasizes  the hope  for  countless  individuals.  Thus,  offering
     house. In the same way, let your light shine profound  change  that  occurs  when  one believers  the  opportunity  to  live  purposefully
     before others, that they may see your good accepts Jesus Christ. Believers are called to and experience God's abundance while sharing
     deeds  and  glorify  your  Father  in  heaven." live in accordance with the Light, embracing this divine radiance with the world.
                                                                                             WINTER 2023 | REVEALED 07
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