P. 8
Unique Selling Propositions
The Strategic
Elements of our
Business Model Low Cost Model Global Connection
Low cost production model for
TV, Film, and Commercial The ability to produce
Currently, the Film & TV market has many high projects. internationally relevant titles.
cost-structure production companies who follow
the traditional media model of high cost overheads
and mostly fixed staff roles. This works for the element 01
majority of productions, but as budgets decrease
and client demands increase, there is a void
Tanabi can fill, as these companies are not flexible element 03
enough to adapt to rapid change.
Flexible and Dynamic
Tanabi’s Targeted Marketing plan seeks to appeal
to new customers who are looking for cost Dynamic enough to adapt to the market and
effective ways to find solutions to their problems technological change. element 02
head on. In addition to our unique brand, we have
effectively differentiated ourselves from other Film
& TV companies by our commitment to capitalize
on inbound marketing and increase audience
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