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English for Tourism & Hospitality (107) by Prof. Adel AlSheikh
Read the following job advertisement carefully, then based
on its requirements write an email application letter for the
job, attaching a current CV of yours.
Have you ever dreamed of Recruiter Cool Jobs
spending an entire summer in a California,
National Park but are still waiting to Location
win the lottery before fulfilling that USA
fantasy? As long as you can Salary $12 per
answer a phone, fry a burger, carry hour +
luggage, or make a pizza or a bed, benefits
you probably qualify for a seasonal 20 March
job in a National Park. However, for Posted
tour guides, fluency in English is a 2018
must and Spanish is an asset. You Closes 20 May
will have to put about 25 hours per 2018
week. Better yet, these positions
employee Ref.
generally provide
housing and meals as well as the Contact Cool Jobs
chance to make friends with people
from all corners of the globe. Industry Travel ,
Guidance &
Not an American citizen? No Hospitality
problem! Concessionaires in
American's National Parks accept Hours part time
international applicants through the Contract seasonal
J-1 Visa process. The working
adventure of a lifetime is waiting for Listing type Job
you. Send your resume to vacancy
Cooljobs Education level
Undergraduate degree