Page 4 - لغة أجنبية أولى 7
P. 4
English for Tourism & Hospitality (107) by Prof. Adel AlSheikh
6) ……………. is the plant life occurring in a particular region or
time is called…………..
(a) Fauna (c) Flora
(b) Fish Kingdom (d) Fossil
7) All organisms that can synthesize its own food and are mostly
immobile are called………………..
(a) fauna (c) flora
(b) fish Kingdom (d) fossil
8) Organisms that have to acquire food and are generally mobile
are called ……………….
(a) fauna (c) flora
(b) foliage (d) fossil
9) A tour guide must know the ……….. of his group members.
(a) language (c) uniform
(b) capital city (d) currency
10) Tour Guide is the link between……………………
(a) travel agency and information center.
(b) tour group and state.
(c) travel agency and tour group.
(d) theory and practice