Page 34 - Rappelling
P. 34

Locking carabiners (left to right): Petzl William Triac, Petzl William Ball Lock, Black Diamond
                     Twistlock, Black Diamond Screwgate.

                        Locking carabiners are used for critical links and   lock it, and it’s an important habit to always check
                     applications where it is absolutely imperative that   your locking carabiners to make sure they are
                     the carabiner gate stays closed, like on a rappel or   locked. Check them with a close visual inspection
                     belay device, at a critical link in the anchor system,   and also by pressing on the gate (squeeze test) for
                     or when attaching the rope to the anchor.      an additional safety precaution.
                        D-shaped carabiners have the strongest con-    If you are a bit absentminded, or catch yourself
                     figuration, because when the carabiner is loaded on   occasionally not locking your screwgate carabiner,
                     the major (long) axis, the weight naturally is loaded   you might want to buy an autolock, or twistlock,
                     closest to the spine. For this reason, a locking D is a   carabiner. The twistlock design has a spring-loaded
                     good choice for a rappel carabiner. A locking pear-  gate that locks automatically, and there are several
                     shaped carabiner is useful for many applications   autolocking designs on the market that have even
                     because of its wide aperture on one side and is a   safer mechanisms that must be manipulated (like
                     good carabiner to use with a Munter hitch.     pushing the gate upward, then twisting the gate to
                        The most common locking carabiner is the    lock it; or pressing a button, then twisting open the
                     screwgate. The screwgate locking carabiner is just   gate), but some people find these difficult to use.
                     that, a mechanism with a collar that screws shut   Interestingly, for industrial workers in the verti-
                     over the nose of the carabiner. I like the Petzl   cal rope access environment (rappelling and rope
                     designs that show a red stripe (red means danger!)   ascending on the faces of dams, buildings, and
                     when the gate is unlocked. Obviously, with a screw-  bridges), OSHA standards require autolocking cara-
                     gate locking carabiner, you have to remember to   biners, as does the tree trimming industry.

                                                                                                Equipment    23

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