Page 40 - Rappelling
P. 40
I came across this natural anchor several Typical rigging found at many climbing areas:
hundred feet up a route on Tahquitz Rock, near three separate 1-inch nylon webbing slings,
Idyllwild, California. Someone had obviously each tied with a water knot, and two rappel
rappelled from it, probably to escape an rings. I’ve rappelled off this tree many times
afternoon thunderstorm. Although the anchor over the years, as it grows on one of my favorite
has two basic components, each trunk is less climbs at Suicide Rock, California. Although
than 3 inches in diameter, and the master the trunk is over 12 inches in diameter and the
point where you’d thread your rappel rope is tree is alive and healthy, notice the crack that
a nonredundant, single aluminum rappel ring it grows out of—barely 2 inches wide! I always
(albeit rated at 3,000 lbs.). The real problem I back it up with a separate anchor until the last
have with this rappel anchor is simply the size of man down.
the “tree” itself. I’m glad I didn’t have to rappel
from it!
Rappel Anchors 29
Rappelling_i-174_3pp_CS55le.indd 29 7/24/13 10:15 AM