Page 9 - French and Electric Blue Summer 2019
P. 9

MSP News
                                    MSP News

                                             Rescue League provided a >
                                             For the first time ever,
                                             investigators from the Animal

                                             block of instruction to members
                                             of an MSP Academy class, speaking
                                             to the 84th RTT in June about how
                                             to recognize and resond to crimes
                                             against animals. Several graduates
                                             of the new class have already
                                             contacted the ARL for guidance for
        ^        In June, Troopers from the   potential cruelty cases they have
                                             encountered in their young careers.
        Commonwealth Interstate Nar-
        cotics Reduction Enforcement         MSP Troop H and the Waltham Police Department, Watertown
        Team-North and the State Po-         Police Department, and Newton Police Department, along with the
        lice Detective Unit for the AG’s     Department of Conservation and Recreation, are partnering in Project
        Office, along with federal and       Safe Summer, a joint patrol initiative to enhance safety along the
        local partners, smashed a mas-       Riverwalk and other parkland along the Charles River Upper Basin.
        sive fentanyl and heroin trafficking   Joint patrol teams supplement regular patrols at certain times, including
        organization that was operating in   areas of the Riverwalk and other Upper Basin areas that are not fully
        the Lawrence and Methuen areas.      accessible to conventional police patrols. Teams use bicycles, Gators,
        Troopers, Agents, and Officers       and walking patrols to cover the area. The idea for the initiative was
        seized approximately 25 kilograms    formed after Troopers and Officers jointly spoke to Riverwalk visitors
        of heroin, fentanyl, and cocaine,    about their safety and quality-of-life concerns.
        four guns, and nearly $100,000 in
        illiicit cash proceeds, and arrest-
        ed 14 suspects. “By reducing the
        availability of these dangerous
        drugs, we are able to spare family
        and friends the heartache and pain
        of the loss of a loved one over their
        struggle with addiction,” Colonel
        Gilpin said at a press conferece
        announcing the operation.
                                                                      >   MSP Troop A had a busy three days at last

        An investigation
                                                                         month’s annual International Sand Sculpting
        by the State       >                                   Festival on Revere Beach, which drew approximately
        Police Crime Gun                                       a million visitors to the nation’s first public beach.
        Unit, along with other                                 Troopers responded to numerous reports of lost
        MSP units in July led                                  children amid the hundreds of thousands of visitors
        to the arrest of a                                     to the beach. In all cases, the lost children or their
        Holbrook man and the                                   parents were located and they were reunited.
        siezure of 12 illegally                                Troopers also responded to numerous medical aid
        owned firearms,                                        calls, including heatstroke and cardiac emergencies,
        including a rifle, several large capacity magazines,   and quelled several disturbances. Troop members
        and more than 3,100 rounds of ammo. Several of         and tactical and support units, including the MSP
        the firearms had previously been reported stolen.      Motorcycle Unit and Mounted Unit, did a great job
        Assorted pills wrapped in plastic baggies were also
        seized.                                                overall in ensuring the safety of visitors.
        Summer 2019                                                                                                                                                                 9
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