Page 22 - Fortier Family History
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Descendants of Antoine Fortier (#2) & Marie Magdeleine Noël ( Descendants of Jean Baptiste Fortier (#3) & Marie Magdeleine Ruel ( Descendants of Charles Fortier (#4) & Marie Françoise Blouin( Descendants of Michel Fortier (#5) & Angelique Manseau ( Descendants of Pierre Noël Fortier (#6) & Marie Anne Leclerc ( Descendants of Guillaume Fortier (#7) & Marie Magdeleine Dumas ( Descendants of Louis Fortier (#A) & Elisabeth Fontaine ( Descendants of Joseph Fortier (#B) & Susanne Plante & Marie Joseph Feuil(le)teau GEDCOM (Fortier, Generations 0-8) ( Index of Names ( Explanation of Format of Descendant Listings ( DNA Research Fortier DNA Project ( A new tool in genealogical research is the use of genetic markers in DNA to establish family relationships. See Genetics, DNA and Health History ( The Y-chromosome is passed down from father to son to grandson to great-grandson, etc. along the male line (as are surnames in many modern western societies). Occasionally, due to random mutations, one or more of the genetic markers may change in an individual and be passed down to his son that way (similar to a surname changing from Forestier to Fortier). Standard tests are available (based on a cheek swab) to identify 12, 37, or 67 markers on the Y- chromosome. (The more the markers, the more precise the idenfication; I strongly suggest 37 or more markers, in order to be useful for genealogical purposes.) All direct male descendants of Noël Fortier would have a very similar, if not identical, set of markers (or haplotype). Someone with a surname of Fortier (or some variation), whether or not they had done in-depth genealogical research, could compare their haplotype to known Noël Fortier direct male descendants to see if they were likely to be a direct male descendant of Noël Fortier. Likewise, the Noël Fortier haplotype could be compared to haplotypes of other families to see if these families were closely related in France. I would like to establish a confidential database of haplotypes of Noël Fortier's direct male descendants to give us a tool to identify Noël Fortier descendants and to find closely related Fortier families from France. Ideally, we would need several samples from direct male descendants of each of Noël's grandsons. The Family Tree DNA testing service is one of the most well-known. If anyone is interested, please contact me by e- mail. The tests range in price, depending upon the number of markers, when ordered from Family Tree DNA as a part of the Fortier DNA Project ( This DNA project is open to other Fortier/Forestier families with French heritage. It will establish if there is any relationship between these families and ours prior to Antoine Fortier's father Noël Fortier. In addition, it will help differentiate between the various Fortier families in Canada, especially where the documentary evidence (e.g., parish registers) is lacking. To help defray the cost of the testing, I have set up a Fortier DNA Project fund that will allow those of us without the Fortier Y-chromosome (such as females born with the maiden name of Fortier) to jointly share in the cost of this project. If everyone interested in this avenue of research can contribute a little from time to time, it will greatly help to increase the level of participation by direct male descendants with the "right" DNA. If you would like to take advantage of the fund for your test, let me know. Those of us not fortunate enough to have the Fortier Y-DNA chromosome may help others out by contributing ( fund-contribution.aspx ).Pick the letter "F" on the menu and indicate that you wish to contribute to the "Fortier" project. 

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