Page 21 - Fortier Family History
P. 21

Antoine Fortier's widow Marie Magdeleine Cadieu died on 26 February 1715 (of a pain in her side after seven days of illness) and was buried in the cemetery of St-Laurent parish. Her death was followed by that of two of her sons, Jean Francois (age 24) and Nicolas (age 21, of illness), later that same year.  Burial of Marie Magdeleine Cadieu, 1715 Of the nine children of Antoine Fortier and Marie Magdeleine Cadieu who married and started families of their own, a total of 104 grandchildren were born (an average of over 11.5 children per family!). Their youngest son Joseph Fortier, a notary for the south shore of the St-Lawrence River in Bellechasse County, had 19 children by two wives. Eventually, many of the grandchildren would leave Île-d'Orléans for unsettled land in nearby seigneuries along the St-Lawrence River and its tributaries. On this web site, I have tried to identify all descendants of Antoine Fortier and Marie Magdeleine Cadieu born with the Fortier surname prior to 1799. (I have not yet pursued the female lines of descent - sorry.) As time permits, I will extend some of those lines of descent into the 1800s. I am descended from their oldest son Antoine (#2 in my Fortier database). Their 3rd-great-granddaughter Esther Fortier, who married in 1842 to Louis Toupin, is my 3rd-great-grandmother. Signature of Antoine Fortier's son Joseph Fortier Antoine Fortier's family was not the only Fortier family in early Québec. There were several others, particularly around Montréal, that were apparently not related to Antoine. See Through the Fortier DNA Project (see below), we will be able to determine if these other Fortiers are related to Antoine's family, or to each other. This web site and my abstraction of primary records is focused on Antoine Fortier's family. Descendant Listings Here are listings of known descendants (through eight generations): Children of Antoine Fortier & Marie Magdeleine Cadieu (  

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