Page 72 - Fortier Family History
P. 72

Finlayson Family, Longlac From Newspaper Article  I received this photo from Wes Luloff (grandson of Emile Finlayson through Emile’s daughter Flora who married Bertrand Wesley Luloff). It’s a newspaper or news magazine clipping. Still searching for more information, year taken, as well as the actual article. Wes thought it was from 1910 but the siblings look too old. I’d guess it’s from the late 1920s (Johnny and mother Jane both died in 1929) or the 1930s. Jean Waboose, granddaughter of Emile Finlayson (her parents were Alphonse Waboose and Emile’s daughter Jane Edna Finlayson), told Wes the following: Back Row Standing L-R: Nick (father), Jane (mother), Louise, Flora, Agnes, Catherine, possibly John or a cousin named Maurice. Front Row L-R: Emile, Sarah, Duncan. Uncle Bob Michano identified the women in back row L-R as Jane, Louise, Eliza, Agnes, and Flora. Now if this were in fact 1910, then Duncan, born in 1896 would only be 14 years old. That man on the right kneeling is not 14 years-old. So either that is not Duncan or this was not taken in 1910. Jane died in 1929 and Nick died in 1931, both gained weight as they got older and comparing this picture to photos of them before they died I’d have to say that neither are in this picture if it is in 1929 before Jane died. Stay tuned. 

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