Page 84 - Fortier Family History
P. 84
Longlac Finlayson Women L-R: Eliza Finlayson-Boissonneau, Clara Desmoulins-Finlayson, Jane Souliere-Finlayson, Louise "Louisa" Finlayson-Onabigon (later Gagnon) Agnes Finlayson-Michano. Taken at Longlac circa 1910-1914. This is a photo taken in 1968 of the original photo. I received these photos from Wes Luloff, the grandson of Agnes’ oldest sibling, Emile Finlayson and his wife Clara Desmoulins. They were handed down from Emile to his daughter Flora Finlayson Luloff (Wes’ mother). Wes just recently (December, 2019) found them on an old floppy disc. Most of these are photos of photos that Wes scanned a long time ago. He is still searching for the originals. The photo above was a photo taken of the original in 1968. It was pretty severely damaged with the photo album plastic pressed into the photo and with scratches and creases. I tried my best to fix it in Photoshop. Unfortunately the photo had a big crease going right through Agnes’ face. This is the only photo I have ever seen of Agnes as a teenager. Born in 1893, she was between 17 and 21 here. I would guess more like 17 or 18. She looks very young and very pretty. This was obviously taken before Agnes was stricken with Vitiligo (“vit-ih-lie-go”) as you can see her black hair. The back of the photo has their names and includes a French spelling of Michano as “Michenaud”. Clara Desmoulins-Finlayson (Emile's wife) Florence "Flora" Finlayson-Luloff, age 15