Page 86 - Fortier Family History
P. 86
Finlaysons from Longlac to Pic River Ethel Agnes Michano (Benoit) Photo by E.C. Everett 1932 L-R Louise Finlayson (Onabigon-Gagnon), James Arthur Michano, Agnes Finlayson Michano, Alida Martha Michano, Ethel Agnes Michano (Benoit), Starr family on the right. In the above photo, Agnes and her sister Louise, along with Agnes’ youngest children, James, Martha and Ethel, along with members of the Starr family stop in Nipigon on their way to visit the Desmoulins and other relatives at Pic River. Agnes and her sister Catherine both married brothers at Pic River, Robert Michano Sr and Eli Michano (Mijakibinens). Another sister, Sarah, the oldest Finlayson girl, married Abraham Desmoulins also at Pic River. Louise was first married to Eli Onabigon (Nabigon) and had several children. The oldest was Ina, who married Andrew Desmoulins at Pic River. There are Nabigons today at Mobert who descend from Eli and Louise’ other children such as their son Clement. Eli passed away and Louise later married a Mr. Pete Gagnon (non-Native), no children. Not much is known about him except that I was told by Wes Luloff that when Pete Gagnon passed away his sisters came to Longlac from Quebec and took all of his possessions, leaving Louise nearly destitute. The Gagnon sisters were vehemently racist and did not hide it. Louise must have returned to Pic River afterwards because she is buried there in the old cemetery with a plain wooden cross to mark her grave. Left: Agnes’ mother Jane Souliere Finlayson. This picture was in the Ontario Archives. It was taken at Longlac in 1916. Jane is demonstrating a string P game, creating a “rabbit” out of twine. Right: I found this photo on the internet may years ago. This is Duncan Finlayson, Agnes’ younger brother. He was known as a real dandy, a lady’s man. Not much is known about him. He married a daughter of a Simon Whitehead and they had at least 2 children, Michael and Delvia.