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Service Providers                                                  CMBA 2018 LegAL DireCtory

    Court Reporting                       Environmental Consultants            Forensic Accountants
                                          HzW Environmental
                                          Consultants, LLC
                                          Mentor • Euclid • Akron • Canton

                                          Phone: (440) 357-1260 or (800)-804-8484  Meaden & Moore
                                          Fax: (440) 357-1510                  Andrew t. Clark, CPA, CFe, CFF
    Cady Reporting Services, Inc.         e-Mail:            1375 east Ninth Street, Suite 1800
                                                                               Cleveland, oH 44114
    Chuck Cady                            our goal at HzW environmental
    1468 W. 9th St., Suite 440            Consultants, LLC is to provide quality   Phone: (216) 241-3272
    Cleveland, ohio 44113                 environmental services to meet the varying   Fax: (216) 771-4511
                                          needs of business, industry and government
    Phone: (216) 861-9270                 in today’s challenging regulatory climate.
    Fax: (216) 861-3205                   HzW provides environmental services in the           following areas: • Phase I & II Environmental                                                      Meaden & Moore’s forensic accountants
                                          Site Assessments • Environmental     provide extensive litigation support
                                          Compliance Audits • Wetland Delineation,   services including: examination and
    Cady reporting Services, inc., is a complete   Permitting, Mitigation and regulatory
    litigation support firm specializing in   Compliance • Industrial Hygiene • Asbestos   calculation of economic damages, expert
    technical and medical depositions.  Charles   Management • Geoprobe® Sub- Surface   witness testimony, business valuation,
    Cady is a three-time winner of the    Sampling Clean Air Compliance • Three (3)   fraud investigation, bankruptcy services,
    ohio Cup speed contest.  Conference   Certified Professionals experienced in VAP   e-discovery, subrogation, insurance loss
    rooms are available at no charge.  We   implementation.                    calculation and defense, alternative dispute
    provide free streaming deposition                                          resolution, and mediation.  Meaden &
    service, videoconferencing, Mobile                                         Moore is headquartered in Cleveland, ohio,
    Videoconferencing, E-Transcript/PDF files,                                 with 18 offices spanning the U.S., Canada,
    LiveNote/realtime, in-house videography,                                   and the U.K..
    video-transcript synchronization, subpoena
    service, e-Briefs, and secure online                                  
    repository.  offering trial Support through
    inData.  Cady reporting covers the State                              
    of Ohio and through its NNRC affiliates                               
    will arrange for national and worldwide                                            moore

                                                 Phase I & II Environmental Site Assessments
                                                 Extensive VAP Experience
                                                 Environmental Compliance Audits
                                                 Wetlands Delineation, Permitting & Mitigation
                                                 Safety and Industrial Hygiene, Asbestos Management
                                                 Geoprobe Sub-Surface Sampling
                                                     HZW has three Certified Professionals under Ohio’s Voluntary Action Program
                                                                  6105 Heisley Road  Mentor, Ohio 44060
                                                       Phone: (800) 808-8484  Fax: (440) 357-1510  email:
                                                                       Akron  Euclid  Canton
                                                      HZW is recognized as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) by the State of Ohio

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