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Consolo                                                                                                      CMBA 2018 Attorney roster

                (M)  Consolo, Frank                   Conway, Thomas Edward                Cooley, Sheila Patton
                P: (216) 696-5400     F: (216) 696-2610  P: (216) 210-0470                 P: (216) 696-6570
                Consolo Law Firm Ltd                  Thomas E. Conway  Attorney At Law    Law Office of Sheila P. Cooley
                212 Hoyt Block                        55 Public Square   Suite 2100        19885 Detroit Rd
                700 West St. Clair Avenue             Cleveland, OH 44113                  # 334
                Cleveland, OH 44113                                                        Cleveland, OH 44116
                Case Western Reserve University
                OH: 11/06/1989    1st: 11/06/1989
                (M)  Consolo, Horace Francis          Conwell, Jocelyn                     (M)  Cooney, Colleen Conway
                Cleveland-Marshall College of Law     P: (216) 574-9550                    Case Western Reserve University
                OH: 11/13/2017    1st: 11/13/2017     Jocelyn Conwell, LLC                 OH: 11/06/1981    1st: 11/06/1981
                     13940 Cedar Rd             
                                                      Cleveland, OH 44118
                                                      Cleveland State University

                (M)  Consolo, Jeffrey P.              (M)  Cook, Brian A.                  (M)  Cooney, Patrick J.
                P: (216) 348-5805     F: (216) 348-5474  P: (440) 835-0600     F: (440) 835-1511  P: (216) 771-9750     F: (216) 881-3928
                McDonald Hopkins LLC                  Waldheger Coyne, LPA                 Patrick J. Cooney Co., LPA
                600 Superior Avenue, E., Suite 2100   1991 Crocker Road                    4403 St. Clair Avenue
                Cleveland, OH 44114                   Suite 550                            Cleveland, OH 44103-1125
                University of Louisville, Louis D. Brandeis   Westlake, OH 44145-6969      Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
                School of Law                         Cleveland-Marshall College of Law    OH: 11/18/1991    1st: 11/18/1991
                OH: 11/01/1979    1st: 11/01/1979     OH: 05/01/1992    1st: 05/01/1992
                Conte, Richard Michael                (M)  Cook, Craig D.                  Cooper, Benjamin Jacob
                P: (440) 442-6390                     P: (216) 252-0372     F: (216) 252-6056  P: (216) 621-7227
                Richard M. Conte                      Precision Production Inc.            Nicola, Gudbranson & Cooper
                31200 Gates Mills Blvd                8250 Dow Circle                      25 W. Prospect Avenue
                Pepper Pike, OH 44124-4341            Strongsville, OH 44136               Republic Building, Suite 1400
                                                      Case Western Reserve University      Cleveland, OH 44115
                                                      OH: 11/01/1991    1st: 11/01/1991    Case Western Reserve University
                Conti, Patricia Susan                 Cook, Francis Xavier                 (M)  Cooper, Chad D.
                P: (216) 973-3370                     P: (216) 965-6088                    P: (216) 912-5500     F: (216) 912-5501
                1245 Home Avenue                      Francis X. Cook                      Kaufman & Company, LLC
                Akron, OH 44310                       28241 Center Ridge Road              1001 Lakeside Avenue
                Cleveland State University            Suite D-4                            Suite 1710
                                                      Westlake, OH 44145                   Cleveland, OH 44114
                                                                                           University of Notre Dame
                                                                                           OH: 11/13/2001    1st: 12/01/1996
                (M)  Contini, Christal C.             (M)  Cook, Gary                      (M)  Cooper, Christine M.
                P: (216) 348-5400     F: (216) 348-5474  P: (216) 965-4410                 P: (216) 539-9370     F: (216) 916-4369
                McDonald Hopkins LLC                  Consumer Economics Law Project       Koehler Fitzgerald LLC
                600 Superior Avenue, E.               17325 Euclid Ave.                    6467 Chase Drive
                Suite 2100                            Suite 4001                           Mentor, OH 44060
                Cleveland, OH 44114                   Cleveland, OH 44112                  Boston University
                Cleveland-Marshall College of Law     Catholic University of America       OH: 11/07/2005    1st: 11/07/2005
                OH: 11/17/2008    1st: 11/17/2008     OH: 11/19/1976    1st: 11/19/1976
                (M)  Conway, Brendan                  (M)  Cook, Jerome W.                 (M)  Cooper, Gerald F.
                P: (216) 641-7500                     P: (216) 363-4500     F: (216) 363-4588  P: (216) 696-3844     F: (216) 696-6364
                The Garland Company, Inc.             Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff   Cooper Spector & Weil Co., LPA
                3800 East 91st Street                 LLP                                  1191 Orchard Heights Drive
                Cleveland, OH 44105                   200 Public Square, Suite 2300        Mayfield Hts., OH 44124
                Case Western Reserve University       Cleveland, OH 44114-2378             Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
                OH: 11/01/2008    1st: 11/01/2008     Cleveland-Marshall College of Law    OH: 11/01/1957    1st: 11/01/1957
                      OH: 11/01/1986    1st: 11/01/1986
                Conway, Bryan Wayne                   (M)  Cook, Nora K.                   Cooper, Jacqueline Sue
                P: (216) 204-3154                     P: (216) 363-4418     F: (216) 363-4588  P: (216) 875-5419
                1240 East Ninth Street                Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff   Ferro Corporation
                Cleveland, OH 44199                   LLP                                  6060 Parkland Boulevard
                Cleveland State University            200 Public Square, Suite 2300        Suite 250
                                                      Cleveland, OH 44114-2378             Mayfield Heights, OH 44124
                                                      Case Western Reserve University      University of Akron
                                                      OH: 11/01/2011    1st: 11/01/2011
                Conway, Elizabeth Davis               Cool, Kristin Alicia                 (M)  Cooper, Jonathan R.
                25667 Carnation Run                   P: (216) 292-1148                    P: (216) 696-4981     F: (216) 592-5009
                Westlake, OH 44145                    The Friedman Law Firm                Tucker Ellis LLP
                University of Akron                   3401 Enterprise Parkway Suite 330    950 Main Avenue
                                                      Cleveland, OH 44122                  Suite 1100
                                                      Cleveland State University           Cleveland, OH 44113
                                                                                           Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
                                                                                           OH: 11/01/1986    1st: 11/01/1986
                (M)  Conway, James J.                 Coolbaugh, Stephen Paul              (M)  Cooper, Lorri W.
                5155 North High Street                P: (216) 586-7226                    P: (216) 264-4075     F: (216) 264-4075
                Apt. 324S                             Jones Day                            Medley Behrens & Lewis LLC
                Columbus, OH 43214-7537               901 Lakeside Ave                     6100 Rockside Woods Blvd N Ste 440
                Cleveland-Marshall College of Law     Cleveland, OH 44114                  Independence, OH 44131-2255
                OH: 08/01/1955    1st: 08/01/1955     State University of New York at Buffalo    University of Connecticut
                                                                                           OH: 11/01/2002    1st: 11/17/1995
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