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           CMBA 2018 LEGAL DIRECTORY                                                                 Just for Fun
                                                                                                     Pay It Forward
           CMBA 2016 LEGAL DIRECTORY
           CMBA 2015 LegAL DireCtory                        Diversity & Inclusion Programs

        The CMBA is committed to promote diversity   Minority Clerkship Program    Louis Stokes Scholars Program
        and inclusion within the legal profession, justice
        system and in the community. The CMBA’s   This program provides an invaluable “foot in   The Louis Stokes Scholars Program is a
        Diversity & Inclusion Committee provides   the door” for talented minority law students   pipeline diversity initiative through which
        volunteer leadership and oversight to a number   at the conclusion of their first year of law   college students engage in eight-week paid
        of CMBA initiatives, including the following:   school. Through the program, these students   summer legal internships at Cleveland law
                                              are afforded real-world work experience as   firms, courts, and legal nonprofits. The Stokes
        Midwest Diversity Career Fair         law clerks or summer associates in a firm,   Scholars Program provides the missing piece
                                              law department or government agency.   in the CMBA’s pipeline diversity initiatives
        The Diversity & Inclusion Committee and   Thus, the student is exposed to the inner   — a college program — in addition to its
        the Midwest Region of the National Black   working of the law firm, law department, or   programing for high school and law school
        Law Student Association are partnering again   governmental agency, and the employer is   students. Participating students must be
        to host the third annual Midwest Diversity   exposed to a talented minority law student.   graduates of the Cleveland Metropolitan
        Career Fair. The Career Fair will take place   Moreover, the program provides an excellent   School District or East Cleveland Municipal
        at the CMBA Conference Center on Friday,   opportunity for first-year law students to   School District and enrolled in college or
        August 16, 2019, offering eligible job seekers   make indispensable contacts and networking   scheduled to begin college in the fall following
        from the Midwest region an introduction   connections for their future legal careers.   the summer program. At each employer,
        and opportunity to interact and interview   Thanks to the generosity and commitment of   students are matched with attorney-mentors,
        with many Cleveland area legal employers.   the following firms and offices, we placed 14   who help ensure the experience provides a
        The CMBA and its partners are committed   law students in clerkships this summer:  good introduction into the profession and
        to promoting and encouraging a diverse and                                 also provide career counseling. Mentors
        inclusive legal community.  The Career Fair   •  Akron Law Department      continue to serve as a resource for their
        is open to 2L and 3L students, law school   •  Bonezzi Switzer Polito & Hupp Co. LPA  interns after the summer ends.
        graduates and lawyers seeking to transition.    •  CMBA
        Through our connection to Midwest BLSA,   •  Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s Office  During the summer of 2018, 11 Stokes
        we are able to invite job seekers from 15   •  Forest City Realty Trust, Inc.   Scholars had the opportunity to intern at the
        states and 52 law schools to consider the   •  Hahn Loeser LLP             following firms, courts, and nonprofits:
        Cleveland area as a destination for their   •  Ohio Attorney General
        careers in law.                        •  Porter Wright LLP                  •  Child & Family Advocates
                                               •  Reminger Co. LPA                   •  Cleveland Municipal Court
        Diversity & Inclusion CLE Programs     •  Roetzel & Andress, LPA             •  Cuyahoga County Court of
                                               •  Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP         Common Pleas
        The Committee also plans and coordinates   •  Thompson Hine LLP              •  Cuyahoga County Probate Court
        annual CLE seminars aimed at providing   •  Ulmer & Berne LLP                •  Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s Office
        “tool kit” resources for legal employers.    •  Walter Haverfield LLP        •  Domestic Relations Court
        The programs provide information on best                                     •  Legal Aid Society of Cleveland
        practices in diversity & inclusion; strategies                               •  Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP
        for recruitment and retention; understanding                                 •  Tucker Ellis LLP
        the impact of unconscious bias and ways to
        overcome it; and other related topics.


                                                                                                   Louis Stokes
                                                                                                   SCHOLARS PROGRAM

                                                                                               Minority Clerkship Program
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