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CMBA 2018 Attorney roSter                                                                        Jucaitis

                    (M)  Jones, Peggy Foley              Jordan, Anthony David                 Joseph, James Gordon
                    P: (216) 621-5161     F: (216) 621-2399  P: (216) 523-1100                 P: (216) 241-6055
                    Giffen & Kaminski, LLC               Self                                  James G Joseph, Attorney at Law
                    1300 East Ninth Street               Rockefeller Bldg., Suite 1144         75 Public Square
                    Suite 1600                           614 W. Superior Rd.                   Suite 650
                    Cleveland, OH 44114                  Cleveland, OH 44113                   Cleveland, OH 44113
                    Cleveland-Marshall College of Law    Howard University
                    OH: 11/01/1985    1st: 11/01/1985
                    Jones, Peter Lawson                  Jordan, Aqueelah Aneesah              Joseph, James Anthony
                                                         P: (216) 443-7832
                                                         Cuyahoga County
                                                         1200 Ontario
                                                         8th Floor
                                                         Cleveland, OH 44113
                                                         Cleveland State University
                    (M)  Jones, R. Mark                  Jordan, Bret                          Joseph, Jane Ellen
                    P: (216) 615-4820     F: (216) 623-0134  P: (216) 357-3350                 P: (216) 921-9314
                    Roetzel & Andress, LPA               Jordan & Sidoti LLP                   Skikos Crawford Skikos & Joseph
                    1375 East Ninth Street               50 Public Square                      13940 Cedar  Rd #373
                    One Cleveland Center, 10th Floor     #1900                                 Cleveland, OH 44118
                    Cleveland, OH 44114-1739             Cleveland, OH 44113
                    Case Western Reserve University      Cleveland State University
                    OH: 11/01/1983    1st: 11/01/1983
                    Jones, Ryan Scott                    (M)  Jordan, Michael J.               (M)  Joseph Jr., Joseph Thomas
                    P: (216) 363-9190                    P: (440) 799-4245                     P: (216) 522-1600     F: (216) 522-1602
                    Fay Sharpe LLP                       Jordan Resolutions, LLC               Law Offices of Joseph T. Joseph Jr., LLC
                    1228 Euclid Ave                      1152 Linda Street                     55 Public Square
                    5th Floor                            Cleveland, OH 44116                   Suite 2075
                    Cleveland, OH 44115                  George Washington University          Cleveland, OH 44113
                    Case Western Reserve University      OH: 11/02/1979    1st: 11/02/1979     Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
                                                             OH: 05/01/1999    1st: 05/01/1999
                    Jones, Terrence John                 Jordan, Sharon Sobol                  Joseph, Kathryn Theresa
                    P: (440) 527-1864                    P: (216) 406-0195                     P: (216) 765-8520
                    Terrence Jones                       Cuyahoga County                       Kathryn T. Joseph & Associates, Inc.
                    PO Box 40127                         2079 E. 9th Street                    Executive Commons West
                    Cleveland, OH 44140                  Cleveland, OH 44113                   29425 Chagrin Blvd., Ste.305
                                                                                               Pepper Pike, OH 44122

                    (M)  Jones, Tonya R.                 (M)  Jorgensen, Alexandra L.          Joseph, Michael Edward
                    P: (216) 443-8800     F: (216) 443-7750  P: (216) 455-0615     F: (216) 455-0601  P: (440) 735-5100
                    Cuyahoga County Domestic Relations   MIM Software Inc.                     McCarthy Burgess & Wolff
                    Court                                25800 Science Park Drive              26000 Cannon Road
                    One West Lakeside Avenue, Room 135   Suite 180                             Cleveland, OH 44146
                    Cleveland, OH 44113                  Cleveland, OH 44122                   Capital University
                    Cleveland-Marshall College of Law    University of Akron School of Law
                    OH: 05/17/1999    1st: 05/17/1999    OH: 11/17/2008    1st: 11/17/2008
                    Jones, Vickie Lynne                  (M)  Jorgensen, Matthew W.            Joseph, Samantha Snyder
                    P: (216) 990-2737                    P: (216) 566-2000     F: (216) 566-1708  P: (216) 588-7227
                    Law Offices of Vickie L. Jones       The Sherwin-Williams Company          New York Communtiy Bancorp Inc.
                    P. O. Box 110771                     11 Midland Bldg.                      1801 E. 9th Street
                    Cleveland, OH 44111                  101 West Prospect Avenue              Suite 200
                    Cleveland State University           Cleveland, OH 44115-1093              Cleveland, OH 44114
                                                         OSU Moritz College of Law             Cleveland State University
                                                         OH: 11/01/1996    1st: 11/01/1996
                    (M)  Jones, Wanda C.                 Jorgensen, Thomas Alden               (M)  Josselson, Stanley L.
                    P: (216) 544-6414                    P: (216) 426-3108                     P: (216) 696-8070     F: (216) 696-3752
                    Axner & Jones, LLP                   Cleveland Restoration Society         Stanley L. Josselson Co., LPA
                    33595 Bainbridge Road                3751 Prospect Avenue                  1276 West 3rd Street
                    Suite #105                           Cleveland, OH 44115-2705              Suite 411
                    Solon, OH 44139-2981                                                       Cleveland, OH 44113-1512
                    Cleveland-Marshall College of Law                                          Capital University Law School
                    OH: 11/07/2011    1st: 11/07/2011                                          OH: 11/01/1966    1st: 11/01/1966
                    (M)  Joplin, Susan L.                (M)  Jorgenson, Eric D.               (M)  Joyce, Eileen M.
                    P: (216) 583-7000     F: (216) 583-7001  P: (216) 225-4169     F: (330) 278-3135  P: (216) 351-2193     F: (216) 658-0193
                    Ulmer & Berne LLP                    E.D. Jorgenson Law, LLC               C-Auto Glass, Inc.
                    Skylight Office Tower                1457 King Road                        Pure LED Solutions
                    1660 West 2nd Street, Suite 1100     Hinckley, OH 44233                    Cleveland, OH 44134
                    Cleveland, OH 44113                  Texas Wesleyen University School of Law   Case Western Reserve University
                    Cleveland-Marshall College of Law                                          OH: 05/11/1998    1st: 05/11/1998
                    OH: 11/14/1994    1st: 11/14/1994    OH: 11/08/2002    1st: 11/18/2002
                    Joranko, David Brian                 Joseph, Edward Leonard                (M)  Jucaitis, Suzanne Foley
                                                         P: (216) 621-2505                     P: (216) 586-4160     F: (216) 920-9677
                                                         Edward L. Joseph                      Foley Jucaitis Law, LLC
                                                         2403 St. Clair Avenue                 P.O. Box 112135
                                                         Cleveland, OH 44114                   Cleveland, OH 44111
                                                                                               Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
                                                                                               OH: 11/09/2009    1st: 11/09/2009
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