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CMBA 2018 Attorney roSter                                                                      Kelleher

                    Kay, Jeffrey Todd                    (M)  Kearns, Michael S.               Kehoe, Robert Dennis
                    P: (440) 248-7906                    P: (513) 842-2822     F: (513) 357-5603  P: (216) 621-1500
                    Mazanec, Raskin & Ryder Co. LPA      Gerner & Kearns Co., LPA              Kehoe & Associates, LLC
                    34305 Solon Road                     335 East 3rd Street                   1940 E. 6th St.
                    100 Franklin’s Row                   Newport, KY 41071                     9th Floor
                    Cleveland, OH 44139                  Chase College of Law                  Cleveland, OH 44114
                    Cleveland State University           OH: 11/08/1993    1st: 11/08/1993
                    (M)  Kay, Ryan M.                    (M)  Keating, Amy M.                  (M)  Keim, Christopher G.
                    P: (216) 802-8533     F: (216) 421-9399  P: (216) 696-4441     F: (216) 696-1618  P: (216) 515-1629     F: (216) 515-1650
                    1780 Forest Oaks Drive               Zashin & Rich Co., L.P.A.             Frantz Ward LLP
                    Hudson, OH 44236                     950 Main Avenue                       200 Public Square
                                                         4th Floor                             Suite 3000
                    OH: 01/01/2004    1st: 01/01/2004    Cleveland, OH 44113                   Cleveland, OH 44114-2316
                         Cleveland-Marshall College of Law     Case Western Reserve University
                                                         OH: 11/06/2006    1st: 11/06/2006     OH: 11/12/1996    1st: 11/12/1996
                    (M)  Kazdin, Gary A.                 (M)  Keating, Grant J.                (M)  Keim, Krista
                    P: (216) 621-1375     F: (216) 621-0111  P: (440) 352-3391     F: (440) 352-3469  P: (216) 503-5055     F: (216) 446-6032
                    Gary A. Kazdin Co., LPA              Dworken & Bernstein                   Smith Peters Kalail CO.,L.P.A
                    614 West Superior Avenue             60 South Park Place                   6480 Rockside Woods Blvd. South
                    Suite 840                            Painesville, OH 44077                 Suite 300
                    Cleveland, OH 44113                  Case Western Reserve University       Cleveland, OH 44131-2222
                    Cleveland-Marshall College of Law    OH: 11/07/2005    1st: 11/07/2005     Case Western Reserve University
                    OH: 09/01/1962    1st: 09/01/1962               OH: 11/12/1996    1st: 11/12/1996
                    Kazimir, James                       (M)  Keating, James A.                (M)  Keiper, Jeffrey B.
                    P: (216) 566-2858                    P: (954) 551-3377                     P: (216) 750-4308     F: (216) 750-0826
                    The Sherwin-Williams Company         James A. Keating, Mediator and Litigation   Jackson Lewis P.C.
                    101 Prospect Avenue, N.W.            Consultant                            Park Center Plaza I
                    880 Midland Building                 1951 W. 26th St., Ste. 507            6100 Oak Tree Blvd., Suite 400
                    Cleveland, OH 44115                  Cleveland, OH 44113                   Cleveland, OH 44131
                    Cleveland State University           University of Toledo                  OSU Moritz College of Law
                                                         OH: 11/01/1977    1st: 11/01/1977     OH: 11/14/1994    1st: 11/09/1992
                    Kazmers, Julia Kumiko                Kedir, Shaun H.                       Keis Jr., William Howard
                    P: (216) 787-3380                    P: (440) 554-0647                     P: (216) 241-4100
                    Ohio Civil Rights Commission         Cleveland State University            Keis | George, LLP
                    615 W. Superior Avenue                                                     55 Public Square
                    Suite 885                                                                  #800
                    Cleveland, OH 44113                                                        Cleveland, OH 44113
                    Case Western Reserve University
                    Kealy, John Colonel                  (M)  Kedzior, John D.                 Keister, Erik Shannon
                    P: (216) 621-9870                    P: (216) 264-4393     F: (216) 264-4394  P: (216) 374-2198
                    John C. Kealy                        Kedzior Law Group, Inc.               Erik Keister Legal Services, LLC
                    123 W. Prospect Avenue               4500 Rockside Road                    2000 Auburn Drive
                    #250 Van Sweringen Arcade            Suite 440                             Suite 415
                    Cleveland, OH 44115                  Independence, OH 44131                Beachwood, OH 44122
                                                         Cleveland-Marshall College of Law     University of Akron
                                                         OH: 11/06/1981    1st: 11/06/1981
                    Keane, Martin J.                     Keefe Jr., Stephen Thomas             Keith, Ashley Lynn
                    P: (216) 941-9509                    P: (216) 375-0155                     University of Akron
                    Cleveland State University           The Keefe Law Firm, LLC
                                                         14222 Madison Avenue
                                                         Lakewood, OH 44107
                                                         Case Western Reserve University

                    (M)  Kearney, Catherine O’Malley     Keefer, Katherine Louise              (M)  Kelberg-Kim, Anna
                    P: (216) 689-5740                    P: (216) 664-4850                     P: (216) 287-9678     F: (216) 373-9130
                    KeyBank National Association         City of Cleveland Prosecutor’s Office  20962 Sydenham Road
                    127 Public Square, 21st Floor        1200 Ontario St                       Shaker Heights, OH 44122
                    Cleveland, OH 44114-1221             Justice Center, 8th Floor             Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
                    Cleveland-Marshall College of Law    Cleveland, OH 44113                   OH: 05/01/2005    1st: 05/01/2005
                    OH: 01/01/1998    1st: 01/01/1998    Cleveland State University  
                    Kearney, Keith Joseph                (M)  Keenan, Ashley A.                Kelleher, Jeffry Francis
                    Social Security Administration       9027 Kennemer Circle NW               P: (216) 241-0520
                    1660 West 2nd Street                 North Canton, OH 44720                Jeffry F. Kelleher
                    5th Floor                            University of Toledo                  323 W. Lakeside Avenue
                    Cleveland, OH 44113                  OH: 05/15/2017    1st: 05/15/2017     Suite 300
                    Cleveland State University                   Cleveland, OH 444113

                    Kearney-Marks, Moira Irene           Keenon, Una Harris                    Kelleher, Sean Francis
                    Cleveland State University           P: (216) 932-5090                     P: (440) 887-9660
                                                         Keenon Law Firm LLC                   Kelleher & Liscynesky
                                                         16148 Cleviden Rd                     5909-B State Road
                                                         East Cleveland, OH 44112              Parma, OH 44134
                                                                                               Cleveland State University

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