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CMBA 2018 Attorney roSter                                                               Kittoe-Krivosh

                    Kingsbury, Dorothea Jane             Kirkland, John David Reid-Robertson   Kirvel, Brent Christopher
                    P: (216) 464-1116                    P: (216) 633-2736                     P: (216) 443-7800
                    Dorothea J. Kingsbury                John D. Reid-Robertson Kirkland       Cuyahoga County Office of Prosecutor
                    30195 Chagrin Blvd., #1108W          P.O. Box 771716                       1200 Ontario St 9th flr
                    Pepper Pike, OH 44124                Lakewood, OH 44107                    Justice Center-Courts Twr
                                                         Case Western Reserve University       Cleveland, OH 44113
                                                                                               Cleveland State University

                    Kinkaid, Amy Irene                   (M)  Kirkpatrick, Andrew W.           Kish III, Robert Vincent
                    P: (216) 348-9600                    P: (216) 378-2900                     P: (216) 525-7390
                    Pease & Associates, Inc.             Glenmede Co.                          CNA Insurance
                    1422 Euclid Ave Ste 400              7799 Sugarbush Lane                   6480 Rockside Woods Blvd. South
                    Cleveland, OH 44115                  Gates Mills, OH 44040                 Suite 145
                    University of Akron                  American University                   Independence, OH 44131
                                                         OH: 11/10/2003    1st: 11/10/2003     University of Akron
                    Kinkopf, Lauren Kay                  (M)  Kirn Jr., John J.                (M)  Kishman, William Joseph
                    P: (440) 846-6600                    P: (440) 421-9496                     P: (216) 479-8500     F: (216) 479-8780
                    15400 Pearl Road, #201               6695 Glenview Road                    Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP
                    Strongsville, OH 44136               Mayfield Village, OH 44143            4900 Key Tower
                    Cleveland State University           Cleveland-Marshall College of Law     127 Public Square
                                                         OH: 05/11/1971    1st: 05/11/1971     Cleveland, OH 44114
                                                                 OSU Moritz College of Law
                                                                                               OH: 05/17/2016    1st: 10/23/2009
                    (M)  Kinkopf-Zajac, Ingrid A.        (M)  Kirner, Paul T.                  (M)  Kissling, Matthew R.
                    P: (216) 615-7415     F: (216) 623-0134  P: (440) 884-4300     F: (440) 884-4302  P: (216) 566-5586     F: (216) 566-5800
                    Roetzel & Andress, LPA               Kirner & Boldt Co., LPA               Thompson Hine LLP
                    1375 East Ninth Street               8025 Corporate Circle                 3900 Key Center
                    One Cleveland Center, 10th Floor     North Royalton, OH 44133-1257         127 Public Square
                    Cleveland, OH 44114-1739             Cleveland-Marshall College of Law     Cleveland, OH 44114-1291
                    Case Western Reserve University      OH: 11/01/1973    1st: 11/01/1973     Case Western Reserve University
                    OH: 11/01/1996    1st: 11/01/1996                    OH: 11/08/2010    1st: 11/08/2010
                    (M)  Kinnear, Alison D.              (M)  Kirner, Peter S.                 (M)  Kita, Kevin W.
                    P: (330) 528-1450                    P: (440) 884-4300     F: (440) 884-4302  P: (216) 928-2200
                    Millennium Capital & Recovery        Kirner & Boldt Co., LPA               Sutter O’Connell
                    7608 Greenthorn Drive                8025 Corporate Circle                 3600 Erieview Tower
                    Hudson, OH 44236                     North Royalton, OH 44133-1257         1301 East 9th Street
                    Cleveland-Marshall College of Law    Cleveland-Marshall College of Law     Cleveland, OH 44114
                    OH: 11/14/1994    1st: 11/14/1994    OH: 11/06/2006    1st: 11/06/2006     University of Akron School of Law
                                                            OH: 11/07/2011    1st: 11/07/2011
                    (M)  Kinsley, Jennifer M.            (M)  Kirsanow, Peter N.               Kitchell, Marjorie Helen
                    P: (216) 861-5443     F: (216) 575-6209  P: (216) 363-4481     F: (216) 363-4588  Case Western Reserve University
                    The Legal Aid Society of Cleveland   Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff
                    1223 West 6th Street                 LLP
                    Cleveland, OH 44113-1301             200 Public Square, Suite 2300
                    Ohio Northern University, Pettit College   Cleveland, OH 44114-2378
                    of Law                               Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
                    OH: 11/04/2013    1st: 11/04/2013    OH: 11/01/1979    1st: 11/01/1979
                    Kipfstuhl, Denise Lynn               Kirschenbaum, Dan Goulder             (M)  Kitchen, Charles W.
                    P: (651) 848-8949                    P: (216) 621-0890                     P: (330) 665-4164
                    Thomson Reuters                      Kirschenbaum Law Offices Co., LPA     9500 Broadview Road
                    10301 Lake Ave, #322                 2080 Woodstock Rd.                    #203
                    Cleveland, OH 44102                  Gates Mills, OH 44040                 Broadview Hts., OH 44147-2302
                    Case Western Reserve University                                            Case Western Reserve University
                                                                                               OH: 11/01/1950    1st: 11/01/1950
                    Kirby Jr., John Francis              Kirschner, Daniel Adam                (M)  Kitchen, David E.
                    University of Wisconsin              P: (216) 289-4740                     P: (216) 861-7060     F: (216) 696-0740
                                                         Nager, Romaine & Schneiberg Co., L.P.A.  BakerHostetler
                                                         27730 Euclid Avenue                   Key Tower
                                                         Cleveland, OH 44132                   127 Public Square, Suite 2000
                                                         Cleveland State University            Cleveland, OH 44114-1214
                                                                                               University of Chicago
                                                                                               OH: 11/01/2004    1st: 11/01/2004
                    (M)  Kirby, Kathleen                 (M)  Kirshner, Adrienne Beth          (M)  Kitson, Scott D.
                    P: (216) 621-7860     F: (216) 621-3415  P: (216) 592-5000     F: (216) 592-5009  P: (216) 443-8806     F: (216) 443-2063
                    Cavitch, Familo & Durkin Co., LPA    Tucker Ellis LLP                      Cuyahoga County Domestic Relations
                    1300 East 9th Street                 950 Main Avenue                       Court
                    20th Floor                           Suite 1100                            One West Lakeside Avenue, Room 135
                    Cleveland, OH 44114                  Cleveland, OH 44113                   Cleveland, OH 44113
                    Cleveland-Marshall College of Law    Case Western Reserve University       Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
                    OH: 11/08/2010    1st: 11/08/2010    OH: 11/18/2002    1st: 11/18/2002     OH: 05/01/1992    1st: 05/01/1992
                    (M)  Kirchick, Ross J.               (M)  Kirtner-LaFleur, Ellen Rachel    (M)  Kittoe-Krivosh, Kira Sandra
                    P: (216) 363-4449     F: (216) 363-4588  P: (216) 664 3442                 P: (216) 348-4467     F: (216) 443-7601
                    Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff   City of Cleveland Law Department  Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s Office Ju-
                    LLP                                  5908 Madison Avenue                   venile Justice Center, 9300 Quincy Avenue
                    200 Public Square, Suite 2300        Cleveland, OH 44102                   Cleveland, OH 44106
                    Cleveland, OH 44114-2378             Case Western Reserve University       Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
                    OSU Moritz College of Law            OH: 11/07/2016    1st: 11/07/2016     11/09/2009
                    OH: 11/20/2000    1st: 11/20/2000                kkittoekrivosh@prosecutor.cuyahoga-
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