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CMBA 2018 Attorney roSter                                                                          Matia

                    Mason Jr., William David             (M)  Masterson, Mark J.               Matejka, Dennis Anthony
                    P: (216) 575-0777                    P: (216) 348-5427     F: (216) 348-5474  P: (216) 664-2800
                    Kelly & Ferraro LLP                  McDonald Hopkins LLC                  City of Cleveland
                    2200 Key Tower                       600 Superior Avenue, E.               601 Lakeside Avenue
                    127 Public Sq                        Suite 2100                            Room 106
                    Cleveland, OH 44114                  Cleveland, OH 44114                   Cleveland, OH 44111
                    Cleveland State University           Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
                                                         OH: 11/08/2010    1st: 11/08/2010
                    Masotto, Michelle Lynn               Mastrangelo, Ellen Lee                (M)  Matgouranis, Christopher M.
                    Case Western Reserve University      P: (440) 746-1500                     P: (216) 621-0200     F: (216) 696-0740
                                                         Greater Cleveland Auto Dealers’ Assoc.  BakerHostetler
                                                         10100 Brecksville Road                Key Tower
                                                         Brecksville, OH 44141                 127 Public Square, Suite 2000
                                                         University of Cincinnati              Cleveland, OH 44114-1214
                                                                                               OSU Moritz College of Law
                                                                                               OH: 11/17/2014    1st: 11/17/2014
                    (M)  Massa, Vincent J.               Mastrangelo, Mark Evan                (M)  Matheney, Matthew H.
                    P: (216) 593-0913     F: (216) 593-0914  P: (216) 787-3030                 P: (216) 621-5300     F: (216) 621-5440
                    The O’Brien Law Firm LLC             State of Ohio-Attorney General        Buckingham, Doolittle & Burroughs, LLC
                    25550 Chagrin Blvd.                  615 West Superior Avenue              1375 East 9th Street
                    Suite 100                            11th Floor                            17th Floor
                    Beachwood, OH 44122                  Cleveland, OH 441130000               Cleveland, OH 44114
                    Case Western Reserve University                                            Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
                    OH: 11/01/1969    1st: 01/01/1968                                          OH: 11/09/1998    1st: 11/01/1998
                    Massarolo II, Charles Gene           Mastroianni, Anthony                  Mather, Laura McGrath
                    University of Toledo                 P: (216) 932-4878                     P: (440) 392-7240
                                                         Anthony Mastroianni MD                STERIS Corporation
                                                         2484 Stratford Rd                     5960 Heisley Rd.
                                                         Cleveland Heights, OH 44118-4052      Mentor, OH 44060
                                                                                               Cleveland State University

                    Massetti, Regina Minta               (M)  Masuda, Todd K.                  Matheson, Bernadette Marie
                    P: (800) 929-1500                    P: (216) 696-4200     F: (216) 696-7303  P: (216) 661-2644
                    National Interstate Insurance        Schneider Smeltz Spieth Bell LLP      Traska Law Firm
                    3250 Interstate Drive                One Cleveland Center                  4352 Pearl Road, Suite A
                    Richfield, OH 44286                  1375 East 9th Street, Suite 900       Cleveland, OH 44109
                                                         Cleveland, OH 44114                   University of Dayton
                                                         Case Western Reserve University
                                                         OH: 11/05/2007    1st: 11/05/2007
                    (M)  Massey, Sherrie D.              Matas, Richard Stephen                Mathew, Roshen Thomas
                    P: (216) 503-5055     F: (216) 446-6032  P: (216) 447-9850                 Case Western Reserve University
                    Smith Peters Kalail CO.,L.P.A        Law Offices of John Rodman
                    6480 Rockside Woods Blvd. South      7100 East Pleasant Valley Rd. Suite 210
                    Suite 300                            Independence, OH 44141
                    Cleveland, OH 44131-2222             University of Toledo
                    OSU Moritz College of Law
                    OH: 12/01/1996    1st: 12/01/1996
                    Massey, Susan Rae                    Matasar, Scott Charles                Mathews, Eileen Therese
                    P: (216) 621-1000                    P: (216) 453-8181                     P: (216) 621-2234
                    Moscarino & Treu, LLP                Matasar Jacobs LLC                    Tarolli, Sundheim, Covell & Tummino LLP
                    Hanna Bldg. Ste 630                  1111 Superior Avenue                  1300 East Ninth Street
                    1422 Euclid Avenue                   Suite 1355                            Suite 1700
                    Cleveland, OH 44115                  Cleveland, OH 44114                   Cleveland, OH 44114
                                                         Boston University                     Case Western Reserve University
                    Mastandrea, Joseph Michael           (M)  Matasich, Michael J.             Mathews, Tyler Lee
                    P: (216) 691-1058                    P: (216) 736-4224     F: (216) 615-3032  P: (216) 348-5400
                    2520 Lee Road                        Buckingham, Doolittle & Burroughs, LLC  McDonald Hopkins LLC
                    Cleveland Hts., OH 44118-4123        1375 East 9th Street                  Suite 2100
                                                         17th Floor                            600 Superior Avenue, E
                                                         Cleveland, OH 44114                   Cleveland, OH 44114-2653
                                                         University of Akron School of Law     Cleveland State University
                                                         OH: 11/01/2004    1st: 11/01/2004
                    Mastandrea, Rod Richard              Mate, James Thomas                    (M)  Matia Jr., David T.
                    P: (216) 773-1909                    P: (216) 589-9939                     P: (216) 443-8695     F: (216) 348-4037
                    Mastandrea Law                       Law Office of James T. Mate           Cuyahoga County Court of Common
                    20620 John Carroll Blvd., Ste 216    5530 Wallings Road                    Pleas
                    Cleveland, OH 44118                  North Royalton, OH 44133              1200 Ontario Street, Courtroom 17 D
                    Cleveland State University                                                 Cleveland, OH 44113
                                                                                               Case Western Reserve University
                                                                                               OH: 11/01/1990    1st: 11/01/1990
                    Masters, William Nicholas            Matejka, Brittany Elizabeth           (M)  Matia, Paul R.
                    P: (216) 781-8900                    P: (440) 528-4156                     P:      F: (239) 352-0706
                    William N. Masters Co., LPA          Western Reserve Land Conservancy      6190 Reserve Circle
                    The 820 Bldg., Suite #600            3850 Chagrin River Road               #303
                    820 W. Superior Ave.                 Moreland Hills, OH 44022              Naples, FL 34119
                    Cleveland, OH 44113                  Cleveland State University            Harvard Law School
                                                                                               OH: 11/01/1962    1st: 11/01/1962
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