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Nemastil                                                                                                     CMBA 2018 Attorney roster

                (M)  Nemastil, Sarah A.               Nero, Joseph Armand                  Newell, Monica Marie
                P: (216) 642-3342     F: (216) 642-8826  Capital University                P: (440) 546-0483
                Wegman, Hessler & Vanderburg                                               Daniel P. Seink Co., Ltd.
                6055 Rockside Woods Blvd.                                                  8180 Brecksville Road
                Suite 200                                                                  #109
                Cleveland, OH 44131-2302                                                   Brecksville, OH 44141
                Cleveland-Marshall College of Law                                          Cleveland State University
                OH: 11/09/2009    1st: 11/09/2009
                Nemec, Andrew                         Nerren, Guy Vincent                  Newendorp, Paul William
                P: (216) 408-9386                     P: (216) 621-3801                    P: (216) 621-2034
                George K. Simakis Attorney at Law LLC  Guy V. Nerren                       Margolius, Margolius & Assocs.
                4186 Pearl Road                       14516 Detroit Avenue                 55 Public Square, Ste 1100
                Cleveland, OH 44109                   Lakewood, OH 44107                   Cleveland, OH 44113
                Cleveland State University

                (M)  Nemecek, Eric C.                 Nesemann, Cory Nicholas              (M)  Newlon, Ashley Faris
                P: (216) 928-7700                     P: (216) 621-1113                    P: (216) 443-8800     F: (216) 443-7750
                Friedman & Nemecek, L.L.C.            Renner, Otto, Boisselle & Sklar, LLP  Cuyahoga County Domestic Relations
                IMG Center                            1621 Euclid Avenue                   Court
                1360 East 9th Street, Suite 650       19th Floor                           One West Lakeside Avenue, Room 135
                Cleveland, OH 44114                   Cleveland, OH 44115                  Cleveland, OH 44113
                Cleveland-Marshall College of Law     Case Western Reserve University      University of Akron School of Law
                OH: 05/12/2008    1st: 05/12/2008                                          OH: 11/08/2010    1st: 11/08/2010
                (M)  Nemer, Charles Anthony           (M)  Nester, J. Philip               (M)  Newman, Britt L.
                P: (216) 696-1422     F: (216) 696-1210  P: (216) 241-5310     F: (216) 241-1608  P: (440) 856-6444
                McCarthy, Lebit, Crystal & Liffman Co.,   Gallagher Sharp                  Law Office of Britt Newman
                LPA                                   Bulkley Building                     1220 W. 6th
                101 West Prospect Avenue, Suite 1800  1501 Euclid Avenue, 6th Floor        Suite# 203
                Cleveland, OH 44115-1088              Cleveland, OH 44115-2113             Cleveland, OH 44113
                St. Louis University School of Law    Cleveland-Marshall College of Law    Case Western Reserve University
                OH: 11/01/1983    1st: 11/01/1983     OH: 11/04/2013    1st: 11/04/2013    OH: 05/01/2015    1st: 05/01/2015
                Nemer, Robert Jude                    Neth, Spencer                        (M)  Newman, Daniel M.
                P: (216) 436-3601                     P: (216) 371-8683                    P: (216) 443-8824     F: (216) 698-2206
                IMG                                   Case Western Reserve University      Cuyahoga County Domestic Relations
                1360 E. 9th Street                    2542 Stratford Road                  Court
                Cleveland, OH 44114                   Cleveland Heights, OH 44118          One West Lakeside Avenue, Room 135
                University of Akron                                                        Cleveland, OH 44113
                                                                                           Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
                                                                                           OH: 06/11/2001    1st: 06/11/2001
                (M)  Nemer, Tania T.                  (M)  Neumann, David M.               (M)  Newman Jr., John M.
                P: (216) 939-3758     F: (216) 939-3890  P: (216) 574-9050     F: (216) 574-9052  P: (216) 586-3939     F: (216) 579-0212
                Cleveland Catholic Charities          David Neumann, LLC                   Jones Day
                7800 Detroit Avenue                   2769 Commercial Road                 North Point
                Cleveland, OH 44102                   East 9th Extension                   901 Lakeside Avenue
                Thomas M. Cooley Law School           Cleveland, OH 44113                  Cleveland, OH 44114
                OH: 11/01/2007    1st: 11/01/2007     Case Western Reserve University      Harvard Law School
                          OH: 11/10/1997    1st: 11/10/1997    OH: 02/04/1976    1st: 05/19/1970
                Nemeth, John Paul                     (M)  Neumeyer, Ryan T.               Newman, Martin I.
                Ritzler, Coughlin, & Paglia           P: (216) 348-5400     F: (216) 348-5474  P: (440) 527-5651
                1360 E. 9th Street                    McDonald Hopkins LLC                 Martin I. Newman
                Cleveland, OH 44114                   600 Superior Avenue, E.              6734 Glenallen Ave
                Cleveland State University            Suite 2100                           Solon, OH 44139
                                                      Cleveland, OH 44114                  University of Toledo
                                                      Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
                                                      OH: 11/10/2003    1st: 11/10/2003
                Nemeth, Laura Davis                   Nevar, Denis Allen                   Newman, Stephen Charles
                P: (216) 479-8552                     P: (216) 696-7661                    P: (216) 522-4856
                Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP          Kenneth J. Fisher Co., LPA           Federal Public Defenders Office ND, Ohio
                4900 Key Tower                        2100 Terminal Tower                  Office of the Federal Public Defender,
                127 Public Square                     50 Public Square                     ND of OH
                Cleveland, OH 44114                   Cleveland, OH 44113                  Skylight Office Tower, Suite 750, 1660
                Ohio State University                 Case Western Reserve University      West Second Street
                                                                                           Cleveland, OH 44113
                                                                                           Capital University
                (M)  Nemeth, Richard H.               (M)  Neville, John A.                (M)  Newton, Mark A.
                P: (216) 502-1300     F: (216) 502-1301  P: (440) 526-8545                 Attorney At Law Mark Newton, ESQ
                Nemeth & Associates Co., LPA          9274 Beechwood Drive                 University of Toledo
                526 Superior Avenue, E                Brecksville, OH 44141                OH: 05/13/1995    1st: 05/13/1995
                Suite 333                             Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
                Cleveland, OH 44114-1410              OH: 11/01/1968    1st: 11/01/1968
                Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
                OH: 11/01/1984    1st: 11/01/1984
                (M)  Nentwick-Lott, Katie S.          Nevin, Erick James                   (M)  Nguyen, Peter Thang
                P: (330) 502-6561     F: (330) 836-3812  P: (440) 846-0000                 P: (216) 566-2000     F: (216) 566-1708
                1424 West 110th Street                Foth & Foth Co., L.P.A.              11 Midland Bldg.
                Apt. 4                                11221 Pearl Rd.                      101 West Prospect Avenue
                Cleveland, OH 44102                   Strongsville, OH 44136               Cleveland, OH 44115-1093
                University of Akron School of Law     Cleveland State University           University of Illinois College of Law
                OH: 11/16/2015    1st: 11/16/2015                                          OH: 11/06/2006    1st: 11/06/2006
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