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CMBA 2018 Attorney roSter                                                                       Richard

                    (M)  Reynolds, Christopher           Riccardi, Richard Michael             (M)  Rice, Tresa Ann
                    P: (216) 696-4441     F: (216) 696-1618  P: (216) 664-3827                 P: (202) 273-3887
                    Zashin & Rich Co., L.P.A.            2808 Portman Avenue                   National Labor Relations Board
                    950 Main Avenue                      Cleveland, OH 44109-4947              1695 Celebrezze Bldg.
                    4th Floor                                                                  1240 East 9th Street
                    Cleveland, OH 44113                                                        Cleveland, OH 44199-2001
                    Cleveland-Marshall College of Law                                          OSU Moritz College of Law
                    OH: 11/01/2007    1st: 11/01/2007                                          OH: 11/13/2001    1st: 11/13/2001
                    Reynolds, Corrine Ellen              (M)  Ricchetti, Eugene T.             (M)  Rich, Eric A.
                    P: (440) 892-1355                    P: (216) 328-8080     F: (216) 328-8081  P: (234) 284-2340
                                                         E. T. Ricchetti & Associates, Inc.    Scheuer Mackin & Breslin
                                                         The Crown Centre Bldg.                7873 Valleyview Rd
                                                         5005 Rockside Road, Suite 500         Hudson, OH 44236
                                                         Independence, OH 44131                Case Western Reserve University
                                                         Cleveland-Marshall College of Law     OH: 11/14/1994    1st: 11/14/1994
                                                         OH: 10/19/1966    1st: 10/19/1966
                    Reynolds, Melinda Lois               (M)  Ricco, David C.                  (M)  Rich, Jodi B.
                    P: (216) 798-8545                    P: (216) 928-2932     F: (216) 575-0911  P: (216) 583-7176     F: (216) 583-7177
                    Eaton Corp.                          Walter | Haverfield LLP               Ulmer & Berne LLP
                    1000 Eaton Blvd                      The Tower At Erieview                 Skylight Office Tower
                    Mail Code 2N                         1301 East 9th Street, Suite 3500      1660 West 2nd Street, Suite 1100
                    Beachwood, OH 44122                  Cleveland, OH 44114-1821              Cleveland, OH 44113-1448
                    Case Western Reserve University      Case Western Reserve University       Case Western Reserve University
                                                         OH: 05/01/2004    1st: 05/01/2004     OH: 11/20/2000    1st: 11/20/2000
                    (M)  Reynolds, T. Daniel             Rice, Chelsea Selleck                 (M)  Rich, Jonathan A.
                    P: (216) 586-7148                    P: (216) 622-3752                     P: (216) 696-4441     F: (216) 696-1618
                    Jones Day                            U.S. Attorney’s Office                Zashin & Rich Co., L.P.A.
                    119 WAVERLY LANE                     801 W. Superior Ave.                  950 Main Avenue
                    CHAGRIN FALLS, OH 44022              Ste. 400                              4th Floor
                    University of Notre Dame             Cleveland, OH 44113                   Cleveland, OH 44113
                    OH: 11/05/2012    1st: 11/05/2012    Ohio State University                 Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
                                                              OH: 05/17/1993    1st: 05/17/1993
                    Rezaee, Alana Ahi                    Rice, Cheryl Ann                      (M)  Rich, Joseph T.
                    P: (440) 350-2626                    P: (216) 391-6093                     P: (216) 445-1594
                    Lake County Probate Court            Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s Office   Cleveland Clinic Foundation
                    25 North Park Place                  3955 Euclid Avenue                    9500 Euclid Avenue
                    P.O. box 490                         Cleveland, OH 44115                   GCIC 10
                    Painesville, OH 44077                Cleveland State University            Cleveland, OH 44195
                    Cleveland State University                                                 University of Akron School of Law
                                                                                               OH: 11/08/2010    1st: 11/08/2010
                    (M)  Rezie, Richard C.O.             Rice, Clark Delamater                 Rich, Lawrence Joel
                    P: (216) 241-5310     F: (216) 241-1608  P: (216) 696-1433                 P: (216) 696-4441
                    Gallagher Sharp                      Koeth, Rice & Leo, Co., L.P.A.        Zashin & Rich Co., L.P.A.
                    Bulkley Building                     1280 West Third Street, 3rd Floor     950 Main Ave.
                    1501 Euclid Avenue, 6th Floor        Cleveland, OH 44113                   4th Floor
                    Cleveland, OH 44115-2113                                                   Cleveland, OH 44113
                    Case Western Reserve University
                    OH: 11/18/1999    1st: 11/18/1999
                    Rhodes, Charlotte Weatherford        (M)  Rice, Jay C.                     (M)  Rich, Linda M.
                    P: (216) 861-6088                    P: (440) 237-4841                     P: (216) 481-0020     F: (216) 481-0554
                    Baker & Hostetler                    10634 Knights Way                     Linda M. Rich, Attorney At Law
                    127 Public Square                    North Royalton, OH 44133              20050 Lakeshore Blvd.
                    Suite 2000                           Case Western Reserve University       Euclid, OH 44123
                    Cleveland, OH 44114                  OH: 11/02/1979    1st: 11/02/1979     Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
                    Washington and Lee University                    OH: 11/04/1977    1st: 11/04/1977
                    Rhodes, Tina Yvette                  (M)  Rice, Justin E.                  Rich, Matthew George
                    P: (216) 621-5161                    P: (216) 696-3670     F: (216) 592-5009  P: (330) 643-2193
                    Giffen & Kaminski, LLC               Tucker Ellis LLP                      Ninth District Court of Appeals
                    1300 East Ninth Street Suite 1600    950 Main Avenue                       161 South High St.
                    Cleveland, OH 44114                  Suite 1100                            Akron, OH 44308
                                                         Cleveland, OH 44113                   Case Western Reserve University
                                                         Case Western Reserve University
                                                         OH: 10/01/2006    1st: 10/01/2006
                    Rhynard, Helen Therese               Rice, Molly Ann                       Richard, Brendan Michael
                    P: (216) 410-6348                    P: (440) 318-1239                     P: (216) 514-9500
                    Rhynard Law                          Molly Rice                            Norchi Forbes, LLC
                    11015 Clifton Blvd 3rd fl            32300A Monoe Court Apt. 103           Commerce Park IV
                    Cleveland, OH 44102                  Solon, OH 44139                       23240 Chagrin Boulevard, Suite 210
                    Cleveland State University           Cleveland State University            Cleveland, OH 44122
                                                                                               Case Western Reserve University
                    (M)  Rhyner, Cynthia J.              Rice, Sonja Chandra                   Richard, Kathleen Hughes
                    P: (216) 524-3620                    P: (216) 621-0150                     Case Western Reserve University
                    11311 Rockside Road                  Hahn Loeser & Parks LLP
                    Valley View, OH 44125                200 Public Sq, Ste 2800
                    Case Western Reserve University      Cleveland, OH 44114-2316
                    OH: 04/01/1995    1st: 04/01/1995    Case Western Reserve University

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