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Rossi                                                                                                 CMBA 2018 Attorney roster

                 Rossi, David Joseph                  Roth, Henry Allen                     Rothman, Jason Andrew
                 P: (216) 231-5000                    P: (216) 682-4270                     P: (216) 875-1907
                 David J. Rossi, L.P.A.               Henry A. Roth                         Findley Davies, Inc.
                 2025 Murray Hill Road                1317 Euclid Ave                       1660 West 2nd St, Suite 900
                 Cleveland, OH 441060000              Cleveland, OH 44115                   Cleveland, OH 44113
                                                                                            Cleveland State University

                 Rossley, Mary Camille                (M)  Roth, Jennifer L.                Rothschild, Honey
                 P: (216) 222-9175                    P: (216) 592-5000     F: (216) 592-5009  P: (216) 916-9306
                 PNC Bank                             Tucker Ellis LLP                      City of Elyria
                 Wealth Management                    950 Main Avenue                       30628 Detroit Rd #194
                 1900 E. 9th St., B7-YB13-02-3        Suite 1100                            Westlake, OH 44145
                 Cleveland, OH 44114-3484             Cleveland, OH 44113
                 Cleveland State University           Case Western Reserve University
                                                      OH: 11/01/2002    1st: 11/01/2002
                 Rossman, Alan Curtis                 (M)  Roth, Lisa J.                    Rotman, Dennis Arnold
                 P: (216) 522-4856                    P: (216) 781-5470     F: (216) 781-0714  P: (216) 241-5152
                 Alan C. Rossman                      Ziegler Metzger LLP                   Dennis A. Rotman
                 Federal Public Defender, Capital Habeas   1111 Superior Avenue             1360 E. 9th Street, Suite 600
                 Unit                                 Suite 1000                            Cleveland, OH 44114
                 1660 West 2nd St., Suite 750         Cleveland, OH 44114
                 Cleveland, OH 44113                  Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
                                                      OH: 05/21/2001    1st: 05/21/2001
                 Rossman, Matthew Joseph              (M)  Roth, Lizabeth P.                (M)  Roulston, Laurie L.
                 P: (216) 368-2766                    P: (216) 348-9600     F: (216) 348-9610  P: (440) 523-4096     F: (216) 479-7097
                 Case Western Reserve University      Pease & Associates, Inc.              Eaton Corporation
                 School of Law                        1422 Euclid Avenue                    Mail Stop 2S
                 11075 East Blvd.                     Suite 400                             1000 Eaton Blvd.
                 Cleveland, OH 44106                  Cleveland, OH 44115-1902              Beachwood, OH 44122
                                                      Cleveland-Marshall College of Law     University of Michigan
                                                      OH: 11/16/2015    1st: 11/16/2015     OH: 11/15/1982    1st: 11/15/1982
                 Rotatori, Arthur Joseph              Roth, Steven Howard                   Roush, Carrie M.
                 P: (216) 378-9932                    P: (440) 352-3391                     P: (216) 357-7146
                 McGlinchey Stafford PLLC             Dworken & Bernstein Co., LPA          U.S. District Court NE Ohio
                 25550 Chagrin Blvd., Ste 406         1468 West 9th Street                  801 W. Superior Ave.
                 Cleveland, OH 441224640              Suite 135                             Cleveland, OH 44113
                                                      Cleveland, OH 44113                   University of Akron
                                                      Case Western Reserve University
                 (M)  Rotatori, Robert J.             Roth, Timothy Patrick                 (M)  Rowan, David W.
                 P: (216) 928-1010                    P: (216) 522-1327                     P: (216) 444-2000     F: (216) 444-3469
                 Rotatori & Associates                Gallagher Sharp                       The Cleveland Clinic
                 108 E. Leader Building               Sixth Floor Buckley Bldg.             9500 Euclid Avenue
                 526 Superior Avenue, E.              1501 Euclid Avenue                    Dept. NA4
                 Cleveland, OH 44114                  Cleveland, OH 44115-2108              Cleveland, OH 44195
                 Case Western Reserve University      Case Western Reserve University       Georgetown University
                 OH: 10/17/1962    1st: 10/17/1962                                          OH: 11/20/1978    1st: 11/20/1978
                 Roth, Daniel Maurice                 Rothenberg, Bryan Jerry               (M)  Rowan, Jasmine
                 P: (216) 536-4147                    Capital University                    U.S. House of Representatives
                                                                                            27050 Cedar Rd.
                                                                                            Beachwood, OH 44122

                 (M)  Roth, Dennis A.                 (M)  Rothenberg, Elizabeth Wells      (M)  Rowan, Stephen
                 P: (216) 952-8649                    P: (216) 291-4314                     P: (216) 791-1807
                 Dennis A. Roth Attorney At Law       City of Cleveland Heights             Bethany Baptist Church
                 6700 East Malcomb                    City Hall, Law Department             1211 East 105th Street
                 Paradise Valley, AZ 85253            40 Severance Circle                   Cleveland, OH 44108
                 Cleveland-Marshall College of Law    Cleveland Hts., OH 44118              Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
                 OH: 11/01/1967    1st: 11/01/1967    New York University                   OH: 11/01/1983    1st: 11/01/1983
                            OH: 01/17/2012    1st: 02/26/2003
                 Roth, Dustin Thomas                  (M)  Rothenberg, Larry R.             Rowinski, Gregory Bernard
                 P: (216) 787-4543                    P: (216) 685-1135     F: (216) 363-4034  P: (216) 308-7687
                 Ohio Attorney General’s Office       Weltman, Weinberg & Reis Co., L.P.A.  Gregory B. Rowinski
                 615 W. Superior Ave.                 323 Lakeside Avenue                   13810 Carpenter Road
                 Cleveland, OH 44113                  Suite 200                             Garfield Hts., OH 441255128
                 Cleveland State University           Cleveland, OH 44113
                                                      OSU Moritz College of Law
                                                      OH: 11/01/1978    1st: 11/01/1978
                 Roth, Ellen Marie                    Rothenbuecher, H. Alan                (M)  Rowland, Ann C.
                 P: (216) 813-5571                    P: (216) 363-4436                     P: (216) 561-2624
                 Key Bank                             Benesch Friedlander                   United States Attorney’s Office
                 4910 Tiedeman Rd                     200 Public Square, Suite 2300         Case Western Reserve University
                 Brooklyn, OH 44144                   Cleveland, OH 44114                   OH: 11/01/1976    1st: 11/01/1976
                 Cleveland State University           Case Western Reserve University

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