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Saunders II CMBA 2018 Attorney roster
(M) Saunders II, Richard Kevin (M) Sawyer, Douglas (M) Scanlon, Stephen D.
P: (216) 658-2325 P: (216) 698-3543 P: (216) 363-4500 F: (216) 363-4588
Brennan, Manna & Diamond Cuyahoga Land Bank Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff
1278 W. 9th St. 812 Huron Rd E Ste 800 LLP
1038 Cleveland, OH 44115-1167 200 Public Square, Suite 2300
Cleveland, OH 44113 Cleveland-Marshall College of Law Cleveland, OH 44114-2378
Vanderbilt University OH: 01/01/2012 1st: 01/01/2012 University of Cincinnati
OH: 11/16/2015 1st: 11/16/2015 OH: 11/04/1985 1st: 11/04/1985
(M) Saunders, Ryan Robert Sawyer, Robert Julius (M) Scanlon, Thomas J.
P: (216) 586-8845 F: (216) 344-9421 P: (216) 241-6655 P: (216) 696-0022 F: (216) 696-1166
Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard and Smith LLP Robert J. Sawyer Collins & Scanlon, LLP
1375 East 9th Street 815 Superior Avenue #300 3300 Terminal Tower
Suite 2250 Cleveland, OH 44114 50 Public Square
Cleveland, OH 44114 Cleveland, OH 44113
University of Toledo Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
OH: 11/04/2013 1st: 11/04/2013 OH: 09/01/1963 1st: 09/01/1963
Saurman, Jan Alan Sayegh, Peter (M) Scarbrough, James E.
P: (216) 548-3408 Cleveland State University P: (216) 363-9000 F: (216) 363-9001
Retired Fay Sharpe LLP
31204 Walker Rd The Halle Bldg.
Bay Village, OH 44140 1228 Euclid Avenue, 5th Floor
Cleveland, OH 44115
Case Western Reserve University
OH: 11/10/1997 1st: 11/10/1997
(M) Saurwein, Adam N. Sayoc, Jeffrey Alexis (M) Scarcella, Nancy
P: (216) 363-4500 F: (216) 363-4588 P: (216) 236-0476 P: (216) 443-8586
Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff The Millennia Companies Cuyahoga County Court of Common
LLP 4000 Key Tower Pleas
200 Public Square, Suite 2300 127 Public Square 6512 Sunset Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44114-2378 Cleveland, OH 44114-1309 Independence, OH 44113
Cleveland-Marshall College of Law University of Toledo Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
OH: 01/01/2009 1st: 01/01/2009 OH: 05/20/1991 1st: 05/20/1991
(M) Sauvain, Timothy W. (M) Sayre, John D. (M) Scarlato, Antonio J.
P: (216) 464-0008 F: (216) 464-2833 P: (216) 621-7227 F: (216) 621-3999 P: (216) 588-1500 F: (216) 588-1492
27900 Chagrin Blvd. Nicola Gudbranson & Cooper, LLC Felty & Lembright Co., L.P.A.
Suite 203 1400 Republic Bldg. 1001 Lakeside Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44122-4440 25 West Prospect Avenue Suite 1300
Cleveland-Marshall College of Law Cleveland, OH 44115-1066 Cleveland, OH 44114
OH: 11/11/1970 1st: 11/11/1970 Case Western Reserve University University of Toledo OH: 11/04/1977 1st: 11/01/1977 OH: 05/21/2001 1st: 05/21/2001
(M) Savage, Jennifer A. (M) Scalise, Stephanie B. Scarselli, Gino John
P: (216) 472-2407 F: (216) 696-7303 P: (216) 780-3413 P: (216) 534-2202
Schneider Smeltz Spieth Bell LLP Scalise Legal Services, LLC Gino J. Scarselli, Esq.
One Cleveland Center 1360 East 9th Street 664 Allison Dr
1375 East 9th Street, Suite 900 Suite 910 Richmond Heights, OH 44143-2900
Cleveland, OH 44114 Cleveland, OH 44114 Cleveland State University
Case Western Reserve University Case Western Reserve University
OH: 11/01/1990 1st: 11/01/1990 OH: 05/01/2008 1st: 05/01/2008
Savelli, Gaetano George Scalish, Rachel Nigro (M) Scebbi, Vincent Domenic
P: (216) 363-4507 P: (216) 664-6437 P: (216) 289-4740 F: (216) 289-4743
Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff City of Cleveland Nager Romaine & Schneiberg Co., LPA
200 Public Square, Suite 2300 601 Lakeside Ave 27730 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44114 Cleveland, OH 44114 Euclid, OH 44132
Cleveland State University Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
OH: 11/07/2016 1st: 11/07/2016
(M) Savidge, Keith A. Scandling, Jonathan Michael (M) Schabes, Alan E.
P: (216) 535-4510 F: (216) 566-0213 Cuyahoga County Department of Law P: (216) 363-4589 F: (216) 363-4588
Seeley, Savidge, Ebert & Gourash Co., LPA 2079 E. 9th Street, 7th Floor Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff
26600 Detroit Road Cleveland, OH 44115 LLP
3rd Floor Ohio State University 200 Public Square, Suite 2300
Cleveland, OH 44145-2397 Cleveland, OH 44114-2378
Cleveland-Marshall College of Law Hofstra University
OH: 11/01/1972 1st: 11/01/1972 OH: 11/01/1981 1st: 11/01/1981
(M) Savren, Joy B. (M) Scanlon, Lawrence (M) Schadick, Kevin
P: (216) 771-6597 F: (216) 771-7170 P: (330) 376-1440 P: (440) 720-4943
1422 Euclid Avenue Scanlon & Elliott The Schadick Law Firm, LLC
618 Hanna Bldg. 57 S. Broadway Street 2000 Auburn Drive
Cleveland, OH 44115-2001 Third Floor Suite 200
Cleveland-Marshall College of Law Akron, OH 44308 Beachwood, OH 44122
OH: 11/15/1982 1st: 11/15/1982 University of Akron School of Law Case Western Reserve University OH: 11/29/1978 1st: 11/20/1978 OH: 11/01/2007 1st: 11/01/2007
(M) Savron, Dario Scanlon, Patricia Mary (M) Schaefer, Charles R.
P: (216) 875-3364 F: (216) 566-7846 P: (440) 821-0460 P: (216) 928-2894 F: (216) 916-2333
PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP 12900 Lake Avenue Apt 1610 Walter | Haverfield LLP
200 Public Square Lakewood, OH 44107-1555 The Tower At Erieview
19th Floor 1301 East 9th Street, Suite 3500
Cleveland, OH 44114-2316 Cleveland, OH 44114-1821
Cleveland-Marshall College of Law Case Western Reserve University
OH: 11/07/2011 1st: 11/07/2011 OH: 11/01/1969 1st: 11/01/1969