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CMBA 2018 leGAl DiReCTORy Domestic Relations Division
administration court reporting
Court Administration oversees all operations of the Court under the direction of The Court Reporting staff acts as the Court’s official reporter of proceedings.
the Administrative Judge. These include judicial operations, court services, program Court reporters create a verbatim record of hearings and trials. The official
development, budget management, contracts, payroll, human resources, purchasing, reporter prepares transcriptions of hearings and trials for objections and appeals
intentory control, and information technology. and retain exhibits used in Court. The Court Reporting Department is located on
the ground floor in Room 58.
court aDministrator: chief court reporter:Terri J. Moroney........................................(216) 443-8860
James S. Zak .........................................................................................................(216) 443-8820
executiVe Director of JuDicial operations: the following programs and services are available to help the court in
Serpil ergun ...............................................................................................................................(216) 443-8820 resolving matters concerning children and to aid families during and after
marriage termination.
assignment and scheduling
Assignment and Scheduling processes all Domestic Relations Court filings. Staff case management
schedule hearings, prepare dockets, monitor disposition of pleadings and motions, The Court may refer parties to Case Management to assist them with child related
process entries, and maintain court files until they are returned to the custody of issues. The Forensic Case Manager assists parents with communication to resolve
the Clerk of Courts. The department also answers incoming telephone calls and parenting disputes, monitors compliance with mental health and/or substance
walk-in inquiries related to scheduling of hearings. abuse treatment, and monitors supervised parenting time. The Forensic Case
Assignment and Scheduling is located on the first floor in Room 114 B. Manager will provide outcome reports to the Court for review hearings and when
assiGnment commissioner: Kenneth C. Robinson ...............(216) 443-8860 there is noncompliance. The Forensic Case Manager cannot make changes to legal
or physical custody of children, and does not deal with financial issues, division of
enforcement services and information center property and issues of relocation.
enforcement Services assists in the enforcement of court orders relating to Guardian ad litem
child support, spousal support, and health insurance. The department processes A “Guardian ad litem” (GAl) is an individual appointed by the Court to represent
all requests for the Cuyahoga Office of Child Support Services (OCSS) for the best interest of a child when parents cannot agree on an allocation of parental
modification, lump sum, termination and enforcement of support, coordinates rights and responsibilities. Rule 35 of the Court’s rules and Rule 48 of the Rules
genetic testing, and functions as liaison to OCSS. The department also monitors of Superintendence require that the Guardian ad litem conduct an investigation
compliance with court orders to perform community service, initiates and tracks that will include interviewing the child, the parents and the child’s siblings and any
the issuance of arrest warrant through sentencing and release, and interfaces with other individuals involved in the child’s life in order to make a recommendation
the Cuyahoga County Sheriff. enforcement Services approves journal entries as to the child’s best interest. The Court maintains a list of trained individuals who
for divorce and dissolution filed by attorneys in advance of Court appearances may be appointed as guardians to represent a child’s best interest. When a guardian
to ensure that they are sufficient in form and that all necessary attachments are is appointed, parties will be ordered to post a cash bond for the services of the
included. Enforcement Services is located on the first floor in room 114 A. guardian. The Court through Rule 35 sets the hourly rate for guardian ad litem
Director: Vincent B. Dudley, Esq..........................................................(216) 443-3178 services.
Domestic Violence Department home investigation
The staff of the Domestic Violence Department consists of court personnel and home investigations ordered by the Court are conducted by social workers
of the Cuyahoga County Probate Court as coordinated by Family evaluation
advocates from the Domestic Violence and Child Advocacy Center (DVCAC). The Services. investigators go to the home or homes to assess living arrangements. The
court staff assists litigants through the procedural process when trying to obtain
a Domestic Violence Ex Parte Civil Protection Order. The advocates can provide investigator may gather information on character, past conduct, and standard of
living. The investigator will prepare a written report for the Court. The report will
emotional support throughout the process in addition to providing community and
safety resources to Petitioners. The Domestic Violence Department is located on also be provided to an evaluator conducting a parenting evaluation.
the ground floor in Room 53. mediation
manaGer: Monica Christofferson..........................................................(216) 443-2095 The Court coordinates assessment and referrals for court mediation services.
Certified mediators located at Domestic Relations Court help parties resolve
law Department parenting issues without litigation through a confidential process. Issues mediated
The law Department provides research support for the Court and maintains a concern allocation of parental rights and responsibilities and children’s living
law library for the Court’s use. It tracks new legislation and rules, and appellate arrangements and schedules. Financial matters will not be addressed.
decisions; helps implement new law; and drafts journal entries and legal memoranda.
Staff attorneys review requests for restraining orders and selected journal entries parenting coordination
prior to submission to the Judge. The law Department is located on the ground Parenting coordination is a child-focused alternative dispute resolution process in
floor in Room 1. which a mental health or legal professional with mediation training and experience
Director: Mark B. Felber ...........................................................................(216) 443-8829 with families and children assists high conflict parents to implement their parenting
plan. The parenting coordinator facilitates the resolution of parenting disputes in
family evaluation services a timely manner, educates parents about children’s needs, and makes decisions
licensed mental health professionals conduct family evaluations ordered by the within the scope of the appointment and court order. The Parenting Coordination
Court. The evaluation is to assist the Court in making parenting orders in the best program maintains a list of trained individuals who are appointed as parenting
interest of the children. An evaluation may include psychological testing and alcohol/ coordinators. The department monitors qualifications and processes appointments.
drug assessment. Family Evaluation Services is located on the ground floor in parenting education
Room 7.................................................................................................................(216)-443-8805 The Court requires all parents of minor children who are ending their marriages or
help center legally separating to complete a Court approved divorce seminar before parental
rights will be allocated. The seminar will cover the effects on a family and impact on
The help Center provides information about the court process and procedures, the children of ending the marriage and behaviors parents should avoid.
supplies and explains forms to self-represented parties and attorneys and provides The education network for Divorcing Families is the approved provider of the
assistance with completing forms. The help Center reviews and approves journal parenting education course. information on location and times may be found
entries for divorce and dissolution filed by self-represented parties in advance of at For Spanish speaking
Court appearances to ensure they are sufficient in form and that all necessary parents and parents living outside of Ohio, Children in Between is an additional
attachments are included. The help Center has workspace for attorneys with approved provider. Children in Between offers an on-line course in english and
computers provided the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association for completing Spanish. This course is available at
forms and calculating child support. Additionally, a wireless printer is available for
attorneys to print documents without connecting to a computer. The help Center
is located on the Ground Floor in Room 29.
manaGer: Anjanette A. Whitman....................................................... (216) 443-8880