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Watkins                                                                                                      CMBA 2018 Attorney roster

                 (M)  Watkins, Gregory L.             Watson, William Anthony               (M)  Weaver Jr., Philip J.
                 P: (216) 515-1621     F: (216) 515-1650  P: (216) 470-3685                 P: (440) 243-4994     F: (440) 243-6598
                 Frantz Ward LLP                      Cleveland State University            Smith Marshall LLP
                 200 Public Square                                                          7251 Engle Road
                 Suite 3000                                                                 Suite 404
                 Cleveland, OH 44114-2316                                                   Middleburg Hts., OH 44130
                 Case Western Reserve University                                            OSU Moritz College of Law
                 OH: 11/07/2011    1st: 11/07/2011                                          OH: 11/01/1974    1st: 11/01/1974
                 Watling, Justin Jay                  (M)  Watts, Patrick M.                Weaver, Richard Mark
                 P: (216) 314-6587                    P: (216) 696-4441     F: (216) 696-1618
                 Justin J. Watling Company            Zashin & Rich Co., L.P.A.
                 5171 Wallings Road, #130             950 Main Avenue
                 N. Royalton, OH 44133-3198           4th Floor
                                                      Cleveland, OH 44113
                                                      OSU Moritz College of Law
                                                      OH: 11/01/2002    1st: 11/01/2002
                 Watowicz, Adam Robert                (M)  Waxman, David B.                 (M)  Weaver, Robin G.
                 P: (216) 583-7310                    P: (216) 378-9905     F: (216) 378-9910  P: (216) 479-8572     F: (216) 479-8780
                 Ulmer & Berne LLP                    McGlinchey Stafford PLLC              Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP
                 1660 W. 2nd St. #1100                3401 Tuttle Road                      4900 Key Tower
                 Cleveland, OH 44113                  Suite 200                             127 Public Square
                 Ohio State University                Cleveland, OH 44122                   Cleveland, OH 44114
                                                      University of Toledo                  University of Michigan
                                                      OH: 06/06/1986    1st: 06/06/1986     OH: 11/01/1974    1st: 11/01/1974
                 (M)  Watson, David D.                (M)  Wayne, Ronald F.                 Weaver, Samantha Marie
                 P: (216) 566-5500     F: (216) 566-5800  P: (216) 615-7349     F: (216) 615-3058  P: (216) 969-3232
                 Thompson Hine LLP                    Buckingham, Doolittle & Burroughs, LLC  Spangenberg, Shibley, & Liber LLP
                 3900 Key Center                      1375 East 9th Street                  1001 Lakeside Ave. East
                 127 Public Square                    17th Floor                            Suite 1700
                 Cleveland, OH 44114-1291             Cleveland, OH 44114                   Cleveland, OH 44224
                 Georgetown University                Cleveland-Marshall College of Law     Case Western Reserve University
                 OH: 01/01/1994    1st: 01/01/1994    OH: 11/08/1978    1st: 11/08/1978
                 Watson, James Charles                Wearsch, Thomas Michael               Webb, Nathaniel Bryon
                 P: (216) 712-7593                    P: (216) 586-7015                     P: (216) 621-0150
                 James C. Watson                      Jones Day                             Hahn Loeser & Parks LLP
                 2208 Clarence Ave                    North Point                           200 Public Square
                 Lakewood, OH 44107                   901 Lakeside Ave                      Ste. 2800
                                                      Cleveland, OH 44114                   Cleveland, OH 44114
                                                      University of Virginia
                 Watson, Kenneth Hayes                Weatherford, Chris                    Webb, Therese Marie
                 P: (216) 621-2234                    P: (216) 443-3307                     P: (216) 443-3658
                 Tarolli, Sundheim, Covell & Tummino  Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court        Cuyahoga County Public Defender
                 1300 East Ninth St., Ste 1700        9300 Quincy Avenue                    310 Lakeside Avenue
                 Cleveland, OH 44114-1400             Cleveland, OH 44106                   Suite 400
                 University of Akron                  Cleveland State University            Cleveland, OH 44113
                                                                                            Cleveland State University

                 Watson, Mark Allen                   (M)  Weatherhead, Ann                 Webb, William Jewell
                 P: (216) 622-8229                    P: (216) 443-8800     F: (216) 443-7750  P: (440) 347-1512
                 Calfee, Halter & Griswold LLP        Cuyahoga County Domestic Relations    The Lubrizol Corp
                 The Calfee Building                  Court                                 29400 Lakeland Blvd.
                 1405 East Sixth Street               One West Lakeside Avenue, Room 303    Wickliffe, OH 44092
                 Cleveland, OH 44114-1607             Cleveland, OH 44113
                 Cleveland State University           Case Western Reserve University
                                                      OH: 11/01/1982    1st: 11/01/1982
                 Watson, Myron Parnell                Weatherly, Justin Michael             (M)  Webber, Mark V.
                 P: (216) 274-1100                    P: (216) 774-0000                     P: (216) 664-3774     F: (216) 664-2663
                 Myron P. Watson                      Henderson, Mokhtarit & Weatherly, Co,   City of Cleveland Law Department
                 614 W. Superior Ave.                 LPA                                   106 City Hall
                 Ste. 1144                            3238 Lorain Avenue                    601 Lakeside Avenue
                 Cleveland, OH 44113                  Cleveland, OH 44113                   Cleveland, OH 44114
                 Howard University                    Case Western Reserve University       Boston College
                                                                                            OH: 11/09/1974    1st: 11/09/1974
                 (M)  Watson, Sanford E.              (M)  Weaver, Ashley A.                (M)  Webber, Melanie L.
                 P: (216) 592-5000     F: (216) 592-5009  Wheeler Trigg O’Donnell LLP OH    P: (440) 838-8800     F: (440) 838-8805
                 Tucker Ellis LLP                     Georgetown University                 Fisher Phillips
                 950 Main Avenue                      OH: 11/05/2007    1st: 12/17/2004     200 Public Square
                 Suite 1100                                     Suite 4000
                 Cleveland, OH 44113                                                        Cleveland, OH 44114
                 Georgetown University                                                      Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
                 OH: 11/07/1988    1st: 11/07/1988                                          05/01/1999
                 Watson, Scott Malcolm                Weaver, Jeannette Marie               Webbs, Jerome Curtis
                 P: (216) 615-4054                    P: (440) 546-9300                     P: (216) 479-6100
                 Office of Medicare Hearings & Appeals  Jeannette M. Weaver, Attorney at Law  Vorys, Sater, Seymour & Pease
                 200 Public Square, Suite 1300        8748 Brecksville Road                 200 Public Square
                 Cleveland, OH 44114                  Suite 200                             Ste. 1400
                                                      Brecksville, OH 44141                 Cleveland, OH 441142327

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