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Wojnicz                                                                                                      CMBA 2018 Attorney roster

                 (M)  Wojnicz, Lorysa                 (M)  Wolf, Paul V.                    (M)  Wolff, Robert M.
                 P: (216) 659-8070                    P: (216) 241-0300     F: (216) 241-2731  P: (216) 696-7600     F: (216) 696-2038
                 18091 Clifton Road                   Law Offices of Paul V. Wolf           Littler Mendelson, P.C.
                 Lakewood, OH 44107                   50 Public Square                      1100 Superior Avenue, E.
                 Campbell University                  Suite 920                             20th Floor
                 OH: 11/01/1988    1st: 11/01/1988    Cleveland, OH 44113                   Cleveland, OH 44114
                           Cleveland-Marshall College of Law     University of Illinois College of Law
                                                      OH: 11/01/1987    1st: 11/01/1987     OH: 11/01/1980    1st: 11/01/1980
                 Wojtkun, Allison Christine           Wolf, Richard Adam                    (M)  Wolgamuth, Keith R.
                 P: (440) 395-3904                    P: (216) 621-1113                     P: (330) 962-3815     F: (775) 640-0873
                 Progressive Group of Insurance Com-  Renner Otto Boisselle & Sklar LLP     Keith R. Wolgamuth Co LPA
                 panies                               1621 Euclid Avenue - 19th Floor       1450 Hinckley Hills Road
                 6300 Wilson Mills Road               Cleveland, OH 44115                   Hinckley, OH 44233
                 Mayfield Village, OH 44143           University of Akron                   Case Western Reserve University
                 Ohio State University                                                      OH: 11/01/1982    1st: 11/01/1982
                 (M)  Wojton-Grisanti, Francine J.    (M)  Wolf, Seth M.                    (M)  Wolk, Alan M
                 P: (440) 356-2631     F: (216) 201-5115  P: (216) 767-8222     F: (216) 767-8260  P: (440) 498-9655     F: (440) 498-9733
                 3640 Bradfords Gate                  University Hospitals Health System, Inc.  27200 Cedar Rd
                 Rocky River, OH 44116                UH Management Services Center         Apt 220
                 Cleveland-Marshall College of Law    3605 Warrensville Center Road         Solon, OH 44139
                 OH: 11/14/1994    1st: 11/14/1994    Shaker Hts., OH 44122                 OSU Moritz College of Law
         Case Western Reserve University   OH: 08/31/1955    1st: 08/31/1955
                                                      OH: 11/14/1994    1st: 11/14/1994
                 Wolanin, Christine Renee             (M)  Wolf, Stephen W.                 (M)  Wolkin, Steven E.
                 Cleveland State University           P: (440) 777-1177                     P: (216) 861-0808     F: (216) 861-1588
                                                      The Law Office of Stephen W. Wolf, LLC  820 West Superior Avenue
                                                      26777 Lorain Road                     Suite 510
                                                      Suite 709                             Cleveland, OH 44113-1384
                                                      North Olmsted, OH 44070               Tulane Law School
                                                      Cleveland-Marshall College of Law     OH: 11/04/1977    1st: 11/04/1977
                                                      OH: 05/01/2009    1st: 05/01/2009
                 Wolf, Andrew Jay                     Wolf, Thomas Robert                   (M)  Wolnik, Jonathan C.
                 P: (216) 274-2258                    P: (216) 687-1311                     P: (216) 696-1422     F: (216) 696-1210
                 Hahn Loeser & Parks LLP              Reminger Co., L.P.A.                  McCarthy, Lebit, Crystal & Liffman Co.,
                 200 Public Square, Suite 2800        101 West Prospect Avenue              LPA
                 Cleveland, OH 44114                  Suite 1400                            101 West Prospect Avenue, Suite 1800
                 College of William and Mary          Cleveland, OH 44115                   Cleveland, OH 44115-1088
                                                      Cleveland State University            University of Akron School of Law
                                                                                            OH: 05/02/2016    1st: 05/02/2016
                 Wolf, Daniel Bruce                   (M)  Wolfe, Brad Stephen              Woloschyn, Jennifer Rebecca
                 P: (440) 446-0311                    P: (216) 928-7700                     P: (330) 972-4188
                 Daniel B. Wolf                       Friedman & Nemecek, L.L.C.            The University of Akron School of Law
                 5227 Dogwood Trail                   IMG Center                            150 University Ave.
                 Lyndhurst, OH 44124                  1360 East 9th Street, Suite 650       Akron, OH 44325
                                                      Cleveland, OH 44114                   University of Akron
                                                      Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
                                                      OH: 05/15/2017    1st: 05/15/2017
                 Wolf, Emily Susan                    (M)  Wolfe, Jason R.                  (M)  Woloszynek, Lisa H.
                 P: (216) 606-4000                    P: (330) 995-5823     F: (330) 995-9600  P: (216) 619-7835     F: (216) 575-0911
                 SIRVA Relocation LLC                 McMaster-Carr Supply                  Walter | Haverfield LLP
                 6200 Oak Tree Blvd., Ste. 300        200 Aurora Industrial Parkway         The Tower At Erie View
                 Independence, OH 44131               Aurora, OH 44136                      1301 East 9th Street, Suite 3500
                 Cleveland State University           Cleveland-Marshall College of Law     Cleveland, OH 44114-1821
                                                      OH: 11/07/2016    1st: 11/07/2016     Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
                                                             OH: 11/16/2015    1st: 11/16/2015
                 (M)  Wolf, Marshall J.               (M)  Wolfe, Leslie G.                 (M)  Wolters, Daniel C.
                 P: (216) 623-9999     F: (216) 623-0629  P: (216) 413-3841     F: (216) 413-3839  P: (614) 754-2826
                 Wolf & Akers  LPA                    Dinsmore &  Shohl LLP                 Manley Deas Kochalski LLC
                 2200 One Cleveland Center            1001 Lakeside Avenue                  1555 Lake Shore Drive
                 1375 East 9th Street                 Suite 990                             Columbus, OH 43204
                 Cleveland, OH 44114-1739             Cleveland, OH 44114                   Case Western Reserve University
                 Case Western Reserve University      Case Western Reserve University       OH: 11/10/2003    1st: 11/10/2003
                 OH: 10/27/1967    1st: 10/27/1967    OH: 11/30/2000    1st: 11/30/2000
                 Wolf, Michael Marcus                 Wolfe, Mary Stavish                   Wong, Marcel Wai Ki
                 P: (440) 232-5511                    Cleveland State University            P: (216) 896-2274
                 Holman, Frank & McDonald                                                   Parker-Hannifin Corporation
                 P.O. Box 46390                                                             6035 Parkland Blvd.
                 Cleveland, OH 44146                                                        Cleveland, OH 44124
                 University of Akron                                                        Case Western Reserve University
                 Wolf, Noah V.                        (M)  Wolff, Brenda L.                 (M)  Wong, Margaret W.
                 P: (216) 292-1148                    P: (216) 621-7227     F: (216) 621-3999  P: (216) 566-9908 x128  F: (216) 566-1125
                 The Friedman Law Firm                Nicola Gudbranson & Cooper, LLC       Margaret W. Wong & Associates Co., L.P.A.
                 3401 Enterprise Pkwy                 1400 Republic Bldg.                   3150 Chester Avenue
                 Suite 330                            25 West Prospect Avenue               Suite 200
                 Cleveland, OH 44122                  Cleveland, OH 44115-1066              Cleveland, OH 44114
                 Capital University                   Cleveland-Marshall College of Law     State University of New York at Buffalo
                                                      OH: 11/01/1994    1st: 11/01/1994     OH: 11/01/1978    1st: 11/01/1978
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