Page 30 - January 2019 | Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal
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                                    JU LY /A UGUST  20 15
      fEATUrE     The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

                         Practice Tips for Young Lawyers

                                    Hanging Their Shingle

                                                  BY DAN A. BARON

               tarting your own practice may be   your greatest potential for liability arises out   Institute,  Network  52,  Financial  Service
               one of the most terrifying and re-  of  malpractice.  As  such,  it  is  recommended   Professionals, Estate Planning Counsel,
               warding endeavors an attorney may   that you form an LLC coupled with ample   Elder Counsel, Accounting Association,
               attempt. I was certainly terrified, but   malpractice insurance.   local chambers, LinkedIn Local Cleveland,
        S I knew before even taking the LSAT   Forming an LLC is  straightforward.  In   No Rules Networking, Southwest Business
        that starting a firm was the path I wanted to   fact, the Ohio Secretary of State has provided   Group, and many more. To maximize your
        take. So where do you even begin? Well, after   step-by-step  instructions  on  their  website:   outcome, you want to ensure you’re joining
        several years of hanging my first shingle I’ve  organizations that allow for the professions
        made some mistakes, learned from others, and   on-starting-and-maintaining-a-business/.   involved  to  complement  one  another.
        assessed what could have been better. Nothing   However,  the  operating  agreement  and   For example, if you’re an estate planning
        could have been achieved without the help of   other documents that accompany your LLC   attorney you’ll want to join organizations
        others and my hope is that this short article   may  require  some  assistance.  Additionally,   that have financial planners and accountants
        will help those aspiring to do the same.   malpractice insurance is quite affordable.   because  these  professions  have  symbiotic
                                            Through most malpractice carriers, attorneys   relationships and needs.
        Getting Started                     may elect to practice part-time, reducing annual   When attending these events, it’s imperative
        Believe it or not, getting started is the easy part   fees to less than $500 per-year depending on   to not only  follow up, but to do so with a
        of starting a law practice. First, all you have   your eligibility. It’s also imperative to adopt an   personal touch. Recently during a CMBA
        to do is spend three years in law school, six   accounting structure through QuickBooks or   social function I observed a colleague writing
        months studying for a three-day long exam,   something comparable. There are several other   down little personal facts about the people he
        pass the exam, and then begin practicing. But   operating platforms to consider such as Practice   engaged with that night. He would later follow
        seriously, whether you just passed the bar exam   Panther, Clio, Casemaker, Westlaw, Lexis, etc.   up with an e-mail mentioning the things
        or have decided to leave a large firm, legally   Nearly all have free trial periods and should be   they talked about. This was a great idea and
        forming your law practice is simple. First,   considered depending on your practice area.   I emulated his approach. What a difference
        pick  a name that  conforms with  the ethical                          it made from just a mundane e-mail. This
        rules. Your firm name cannot be a trade name   Marketing Yourself      sounds too obvious but you’d be surprised
        or anything else misleading to a potential   First and foremost, if you are unable to market   how a follow-up coupled with personal touch
        client. Then, decide whether you want to be   yourself, then starting a practice may not be   will develop into a new relationship. If you see
        a sole proprietor or create a Limited Liability   right for you. Alternatively, if people know,   others who are crushing the networking field,
        Company, “LLC.” Keep in mind however, that   like, and trust you, then there’s a good chance   don’t be afraid to emulate their approach.
                                            everything else will fall into place. There are
                                             numerous methods of growing your practice by   2. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
         Certified Auto/Motorcycle Appraisals   marketing yourself and here are my top three.   – Your past/current clients are your best

          Certified Appraisers for:                                              source of potential new clients. Clients
            Misrepresented Sales/Fraud      1. Network – Meeting people in your industry is   that you’ve already assisted already know,

            Charitable Donations/Estate Planning      paramount to growing your practice. There   like, and trust you. Why not tap into their
            All Insurance Claims              are many bar associations and chamber   network? They would be happy to refer
            Diminished Value                  events that can place you around those who   your business to others but they often
            Expert Witness                    can connect you to potential clients. Some   forget you exist. Don’t let that happen.
                                              of these associations cost money so it’s   There are several CRM platforms that
                                              better to join a couple of associations and   allow you to stay connected with your
                                              go deep within those organizations instead   clients so they remember you. Mailchimp,
                                              of  joining  too  many.  Bar  associations  are   blogging, Facebook, LinkedIn newsletters,

         Auto Appraisal Group • John Golias      just the beginning of many organizations to   and annual check-ups are  just a  few ways
             440-526-3445 • 800-848-2886      consider. There are numerous non-lawyer   to stay connected. You’ll find that they are
               organizations such as: Business Networking   all important, though some work better

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