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Our commitment to our students: We care about you
and your future, we will help you grow in knowledge and
experience, and we want you to succeed.
The 3Rs • high school Mock TRial • sTephanie Tubbs Jones
suMMeR legal acadeMy • louis sTokes scholaRs pRogRaM
These law-related programs for high school and college students in our community provide resources and support to inspire and guide them
towards realizing their full potential. Among the many benefits provided are:
Exposure to Professionals – Access to Connections – More Opportunities to Learn – Mentoring – Encouragement and Inspiration – First Hand “Learning
While Doing” Experiences – Field Trips and Group Activities – Educational Enrichment – Practical Career and College Counseling – Ongoing Support
tHe 3Rs HIgH scHool louIs stokes
mock tRIal scHolaRs pRogRam
Number of sudents served 900 96%
425 Northeast Ohio students participated First generation college students among our
70 alumni scholars
Volunteers met with every 11th grade Our district competition has grown to be
government class the largest in Ohio Scholars represent 17 Cleveland public high
17% Strongsville H.S. and Orange H.S. schools and East Cleveland’s Shaw High School.
increase in passage rate on end of advanced to the state semi and 94%
government course exam quarter-finals Scholars who have graduated or are on track
to graduate, in five years or less,
from 17 colleges and universities