Page 158 - ICC IEBC 2018
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               [BS] C104.2.5 Short horizontal brace. Where conditions    to provide 1 /  inches (38 mm) of penetration into
               exist that prevent installation in accordance with Section  the horizontal brace.
               C104.2.2, C104.2.3 or C104.2.4, the horizontal braces   3. Racking blocks shall be permitted to be fastened to
               shall be permitted to be shortened provided that installa-  any face or edge of horizontal braces between each
               tion is as indicated in Figure C104.2.5 and all of the fol-  web or truss vertical posts to which a horizontal
               lowing conditions are met.                                brace is attached. Racking blocks shall be permitted
                  1. The horizontal brace shall be installed  across  not   to be on alternate sides of horizontal braces. Racking
                    fewer than two framing spaces, extend not less than   blocks shall be installed tightly between the lumber
                    4 feet (1220 mm) from the gable end wall plus 2 / 2  of truss members or truss plates such that the gap at
                    inches (64 mm) beyond the farthest roof or ceiling   either end shall be not greater than  /  inch (3.2 mm).
                    framing member from the gable end, and be fastened   [BS] C104.2.7  Alternative method of installation of
                    to each existing framing member with three 3-inch-  horizontal braces at truss ridges. Where conditions exist
                    long (76 mm) fasteners (#8 wood screws or 10d    that limit or restrict installation of horizontal braces near
                    nails).                                          the peak of the roof, ridge ties shall be added to provide
                  2. An anchor block shall be fastened to the side of the   support for the required horizontal brace. The top of addi-
                    horizontal brace in the second framing space from   tional ridge tie members shall be installed not greater than
                    the gable end wall as shown in Figure C104.2.5.    16  inches (406  mm) below the  existing ridge line or 4
                    The anchor block  lumber shall  have  a minimum   inches (102 mm) below impediments. A minimum 2-inch
                    edge thickness of 1 /  inches (38 mm) and the depth   by 4-inch (38 mm by  89 mm) nominal member shall  be
                    shall be at a minimum the depth of the existing roof   used for each ridge tie, and fastening shall consist of two 3-
                    or ceiling framing member. Six 3-inch-long (76   inch-long (76 mm) wood screws, four 3-inch-long (76 mm)
                    mm) fasteners (#8 wood screws or 10d nails) shall   10d nails or two 3 / -inch-long (89 mm) 16d nails driven
                    be used to fasten the anchor block to the side of the   through and clinched at each top chord or web member
                    horizontal brace.                                intersected by the ridge tie as illustrated in Figure C104.2.7.
                  3. The anchor block shall extend into the space    [BS] C104.2.8 Interrupted horizontal  braces. Where
                    between the roof or ceiling framing  members not   conditions exist that prevent the installation of a continu-
                    less than one-half the depth of the existing-framing   ous horizontal brace then horizontal braces shall be per-
                    members at the location where the anchor block is   mitted to  be interrupted using the  methods  shown in
                    installed.  The anchor block shall be installed tightly   Figures C104.2.8(1), C104.2.8(2),  and  C104.2.8(3). For
                    between the existing framing members such that the   interruptions that occur in the attic framing space closest
                    gap at either end shall not exceed  /  inch (3.2 mm).  to the gable end, nine 3-inch (76 mm) fasteners shall be
                                                                     used to connect each section of the interrupted horizontal
                  4. The  use  of omitted horizontal braces using the   braces.  For interruptions that  occur in the  second attic
                    method of Section C104.2.3 adjacent to a short hori-  space from the gable end, six 3-inch (76 mm) fasteners
                    zontal brace as defined in this section is not permit-  shall  be used to connect  each section  of  the interrupted
                                                                     horizontal braces. For interruptions that occur in the attic
               [BS] C104.2.6 Installation of horizontal braces onto   framing space farthest from the gable end, three 3-inch (76
               webs of trusses. Where existing conditions preclude   mm) fasteners shall be used to connect each section of the
               installation of horizontal braces on truss  top  or  bottom   interrupted horizontal braces.  Horizontal  braces shall be
               chords they shall be permitted to be installed on truss webs   continued far enough to allow connections to three exist-
               provided that all of the following conditions are met.  ing roof  framing members as shown in  Figure
                                                                     C104.2.8(1), C104.2.8(2) or C104.2.8(3). Fasteners shall
                  1. Horizontal braces shall be installed as close to the
                                                                     be spaced in accordance with Section C103.5.3. Horizon-
                    top or bottom chords as practical without altering
                                                                     tal braces shall be the same width and depth as required
                    the truss or any of its components and not more than
                    three times the depth of the truss member to which it   for an uninterrupted member.
                    would ordinarily be attached.                    [BS] C104.2.9 Piggyback gable end frames. Piggyback
                                                                     gable end frames (gable end frames built in two sections
                  2. A  racking block, comprised of an anchor  block   one above the other) shall be permitted to be retrofitted if
                    meeting the definition of “Anchor block” in Section  either of the following cases is true:
                    C102 or comprised of minimum  / -inch (12 mm)
                    plywood or  / -inch (11.1  mm) oriented strand     1. The  existing studs in both the upper  gable  end
                    board  (OSB), shall be fastened to  the  horizontal   frames and the lower gable end frames to which wall
                    brace in  the second framing space from  the gable   sheathing, panel siding, or other wall covering are
                    end wall.  The racking block shall extend toward the   attached are sufficiently in line that retrofit studs can
                    roof or ceiling  diaphragm  so that  the edge of the   be installed and connections made between the two
                    racking block  closest to the  diaphragm is within   with retrofit stud(s).
                    one-half the depth of the existing framing member   2. Existing studs in the upper frame are not sufficiently
                    from the diaphragm surface. The racking block shall   in line  with the studs  in  the  frame below and  the
                    be attached to horizontal braces using six fasteners   existing studs in the upper frame are 3 feet (91 cm)
                    (No. 8 wood screws or 10d nails) of sufficient length   or shorter.

             2018 INTERNATIONAL EXISTING BUILDING CODE ®                                                         139
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