Page 5 - Toast of the Remote Hosts
P. 5

The Cocktail Party
of the Future — Today!
The English have a saying, “May you live in interesting times.” Pretty clear to anyone struggling through the current mishegoss there’s new relevance to the old saw. Boy, these times are plenty interesting. Lockdown has made everything difficult, starting with assembling the basics for keeping body and soul together. Beyond the necessities of life (food, shelter, Netflix) isolation presents us with another problem, namely your social life ain’t what it used to be. Sure, everyone is burning up their social media like no-tomorrow style, but checking your sites every twelve seconds becomes tiresome. Plus, you’re completely wasting your wittiest bon mots on a cat who will always be your toughest audience. Things won’t be changing in a big hurry, so let’s make the most of a weird situation and gather the troops for a remote cocktail party. Let this humble pamphlet help you make your next digital gabfest is a ripsnorting success.

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