Page 7 - Peace for your soul _Neat
P. 7

I heard the Lord say, “Come
                dance with me. Let me be your
                leading man.”

                According to my well-used Webster’s
            New  Collegiate  Dictionary,  dance  is  a
            series  of  rhythmic  and  patterned  bodily
            movements usually performed to music.
            It is the art of dancing.
                I think of dancing with a partner as
            moving in unison – moving as one. It is a
            wonderful reflection of our walk with the
                The Lord wants us to know Him, to
            see Him in a different light. He is not far
            away. He is not unattainable. Know He is
            close by. Our prayers reach His ears. He
            is  God  of  the  universe;  watch  what  He
            can do.
                Do you want to know how close God
            really is? Look at partners dancing. See
            how  close  they  are  standing  together?
            The Lord wants to be that close to you.

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