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A Call to Serve – Social Impact Report                                                                     2020

            that—counter to our assumptions—a   significant   value   couldn’t   be   the  initiative.  Hodge-Wren  was
            lot  of  assistance  was  needed  by   clearer.  “It’s  important  to  inform   and  is  excited  by  the  enthusiasm,
            college  students  amid  shifting   the electorate how they can safely   and  the  way  different  colleagues

            logistics in the wake of COVID-19,   vote,” Hodge-Wren affirms. “No one   from  sometimes  vastly  different
            virus spikes and lock-downs.       should  feel  fear  or  apprehension   backgrounds came together to help
                                               about the act of voting.”         shore up what is perhaps our most
               And  there  was  broad  concern                                   fundamental  right,  the  one  that
            about voter intimation at the polls—    “It’s  a  right,”  she  continues,   protects all the others.
            “more than I have ever seen,” says   “And as such, needs to be defended,
            Hodge-Wren.  With  conspiracies    through  education  at  first  and,   She  also  knows,  though,  that
            spreading  virally  across  social   when necessary, litigation.”    the  need  for  such  vigilance  will
            media,  and  claims  of  hoaxes  and                                 probably  not  lessen  in  the  next

            radicalization  across  the  political   And, as word of Hodge-Wren’s   cycle.  “This  election  is  over,”  She
            spectrum,  potential  voters—new   participation  extended  across  the   says, “but the battle for voting rights
            and  seasoned  alike—were  scared   firm,  volunteers  across  the  firm   and safety at the polls isn’t. There is
            for  their  own  safety.  Add  in  the   joined the effort. By Election Day, at   more work yet to be done.”

            complications  of  COVID-19,  and   least 17 Miles & Stockbridge lawyers
 old infant at home, this was a way   tracking  of  each  call  that  came   can be taken for granted,” according   the  very  real  health  concerns  of   from  across  myriad  practices  and   So  when  called  again,  Hodge-
 that  I  could  serve  the  community   in—a  critical  component,  she   to  Hodge-Wren,  describing  the   going to the polls and the hotline’s   local  offices  had  donated  time  to   Wren will answer. ■
 remotely  and  still  manage  the    notes, in case follow-up outreach,   continued need for such a hotline.
 day-to-day.”  up  to  and  including  litigation.   “We assume anyone can just look

 Hodge-Wren also assisted with the   the answers up on the Internet, or
 That  service—as  a  hotline   Call  Center’s  quality  control  and   go online to request a form or check
 Captain—included  four-hour  shifts   refreshed  volunteer  knowledge   their  status.  And  we  do—but  not

 providing  supervisorial  support  to   and  training  when  appropriate.    everybody can. Everybody doesn’t
 the  approximately  40  volunteers   She  also  served  as  a  bridge   have  the  same  access  to  the
 working at her assigned call center   and  buffer  between  volunteers   Internet, and without it, the process
 at any one time. Beyond taking on   and  the  paid  professional  staff   can  become  that  much  more
 the  “tougher  questions”  that  were   administering the hotline.  daunting and often confusing.”

 funneled up to her from volunteers
 fielding  them  in  real-time,  Hodge-  A lot of the questions handled   Volunteers  often  managed
 Wren  also  managed  text  message   this year, unsurprisingly, centered   three-way calls with local election
 responses,  delegated  voicemail   around  absentee  and  mail-in   boards  to  help  navigate  any
 responses, coordinated solutions   ballots.  “With  our  experience  of   complexities  or  communication
 to  tech  issues  and  oversaw  the   technology,  there’s  so  much  that   barriers. Hodge-Wren also points out

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