Page 7 - KCMINIST_Benefit Booklet_0418_PEB
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Now Available to
                                                            Full-Time Employees of None:

                                             Short-term disability insurance with affordable group rates

                                           Don’t let time out of work

                                           set you back financially.
       The Lincoln Short-

       term Disability                     Saving for a rainy day is a nice sentiment. But if you can’t work and don’t have
                                           enough saved (or don’t want to wipe out your entire savings), there is another
       Insurance Plan:                     option.

       Provides a cash benefit            Here’s how this important coverage works.

        when you are out of work           1.  If you are out of work due to injury, illness, surgery, or recovery from
                                              childbirth, there is a period of time before you begin collecting disability
        for up to 11 weeks due to
                                              benefits. This is called the elimination period. You may be covered by
        injury, illness, surgery, or          employer-sponsored sick leave and/or paid time off (PTO) during this time.

        recovery from childbirth           2.  After the elimination period, you receive 60% of your weekly salary (up to a
                                              maximum cash benefit of $1,000 per week) until you’re able to return to work
       Provides a partial cash               or your 11-week coverage period ends.
                                           3.  If you are able to perform some of your duties or work part-time, you may be
        benefit if you can only do
                                              able to receive partial disability benefits while also receiving partial pay from
        part of your job or work              your employer.
        part time                          4.  You may receive an additional 5% each week if you participate in an approved
                                              rehabilitation program while you are out of work.
       Features group rates for                  A complete Summary of Benefits is included on the next few pages.

        KCM employees                      Here’s how little you pay with group rates.

       Offers a fast, no-hassle

        claims process
                                            Your estimated bi-weekly premium is determined
                                            by multiplying your weekly salary amount (up to   Age Range   Factor
                                            $1,667) by your age-range premium factor. If your   0 - 24   0.00947
                                            weekly salary exceeds $1,667, multiply $1,667 by   25 - 29   0.00947
                                            your premium factor.                             30 - 34     0.00872
                                                                                             35 - 39     0.00822

                                                            $                                40 - 44     0.00773
                                                                                             45 - 49     0.00798
                                                                    weekly salary            50 - 54     0.00897
                                                            X                                55 - 59     0.01097
                                                                                             60 - 64     0.01296
                                                                   premium factor
                                                                                             65 - 69     0.01493
                                                           =$                                70 - 74     0.01617
                                                                 bi-weekly premium             75 - 99   0.01617

                                              No money is due at enrollment. Your premium simply comes out of your paycheck.
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