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                                New Paradigm  Artificial Intelligence in the   Construction Industry  Applications of AI  technologies in all areas  such as architectural design,   engineering design, and construction services

                                     Construction 4.0 Strategic   National Industry Revolution


                                2021 -  Plan           4.0                                  26/02/2024

                 Dynamic Environment:


                                2016 -  Construction  Industry   Transformation Plan  Highly productive and  environmentally sustainable,  with globally competitive  players and a focus on   safety and quality   standards.
                      CIDB Transformation Roadmap


                                2006 -  CIDB’s Construction   Industry Master Plan.  To transform the  construction industry into a  world class, innovative and  knowledgeable global   solution provider

                                1 December 1994  CIDB began with the  corporate slogan,  ‘together  we develop the Malaysian  Construction Industry   towards global com   petitiveness  for sustained   Basis economic growth (0.25%   Levy)  The Grand Renai, Kota Bharu
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